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Bellman And Flint Box

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I'll tell you what's happened the box needs to be charged throughout the whole year when it's changed let it run done and do this all the time even when your not using it,rechargeable batteries aren't worth a fook the first box that bellman and flint made was the best that money could buy the red box is given a lot of problems :thumbs:

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What most people don't know is you can turn the non rechargeable collars on with impact I realised this when I dropped my collar and it turned on. Rang bellman they said it shouldnf do that but a it definitely won't turn off with impact. Done the same with a mates one day when he had forgotten his magnet and it worked. Tried another collar one day tapped it off a fence post and it turned on.

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What most people don't know is you can turn the non rechargeable collars on with impact I realised this when I dropped my collar and it turned on. Rang bellman they said it shouldnf do that but a it definitely won't turn off with impact. Done the same with a mates one day when he had forgotten his magnet and it worked. Tried another collar one day tapped it off a fence post and it turned on.

that doesn't sound good? That would worry me
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Why? These collars were very well tested and as stated they will not turn off with impact they turn on easily with the magnet but you have to swipe it correctly with the magnet for it to turn off. At first bellman suggested that I had placed the turned off collar near a magnetic field such as speakers a microwave etc. and that was the reason it turned on. That wasn't the case they turn on with impact so if you turn your collar off and don't place it near a magnetic field and don't drop it then there shouldn't be any issue. There's no other collar that I'm aware of is as good as the bellman, unless you know different that is.

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Why? These collars were very well tested and as stated they will not turn off with impact they turn on easily with the magnet but you have to swipe it correctly with the magnet for it to turn off. At first bellman suggested that I had placed the turned off collar near a magnetic field such as speakers a microwave etc. and that was the reason it turned on. That wasn't the case they turn on with impact so if you turn your collar off and don't place it near a magnetic field and don't drop it then there shouldn't be any issue. There's no other collar that I'm aware of is as good as the bellman, unless you know different that is.

why? Self explanatory really. He said he didn't know they turn on with impact so whosto say there isnt a chance of them turning off??
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