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3/4 Grey 1/4 Saluki

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go back 20 years or so, and there were a lot of these about, and a lot were winning regularly too from what i remember. nowadays, it seems most of the top dogs are more like 3/4 saluki 1/4 grey. i've never really been into the match scene, but it would seem that 20 years ago best of three was common, whereas now its fives? does that sound about right ? perhaps this would explain the reason for the change in breeding?

Edited by beast
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mine just could not hang on. more saluki is and always was better. the line bred stuff about today is miles in front .they are fast and aggressive and stay on. what more do you need. you do not see many first crosses bred these days so how many tree quarter grey quarter salukis actualy are genuine . atb two crows.

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go back 20 years or so, and there were a lot of these about, and a lot were winning regularly too from what i remember. nowadays, it seems most of the top dogs are more like 3/4 saluki 1/4 grey. i've never really been into the match scene, but it would seem that 20 years ago best of three was common, whereas now its fives? does that sound about right ? perhaps this would explain the reason for the change in breeding?

thought the 3/4 saluki was best way for coursing , but don't know much about the game,has a 3/4 grey 1/4 saluki won any major meet back in the day ?

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