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It seems you cannot talk about religion now without the topic getting locked. Could the same apply to sex and politics. I was always taught that there are three thing you can never argue about sex, religion and politics. As every one has a personal preference and every one thinks they are right.


So please any more UKIP, mossie, or sexual threads could the mods please lock them? After all it is a hunting site!!!! I have got fed up of starting to read threads and at the slightest pretence one of the three main instigators will bring up UKIP, does my fecking head in :thumbdown:. Another thread ruined.


So if no more religion then no more politics, or threads of a sexual nature, seems fair to me.



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It seems you cannot talk about religion now without the topic getting locked. Could the same apply to sex and politics. I was always taught that there are three thing you can never argue about sex, re

Welshie, I don't go with the bullying part, Fraz can hold his own. I am not in the slightest bit religious. But because some people are baiting him and he is giving as good as he gets the thread gets

Fraz has good beliefs, he's sticking his neck out where many wouldnt


General section of a hunting site.

Don't like, don't read, simple as that.

Exactly my point. How can you ban one topic yet leave others?







General section of a hunting site.

Don't like, don't read, simple as that.

Exactly my point. How can you ban one topic yet leave others?




I was agreeing with you.

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Missing the point there a bit TC. :yes:


The 3 closed threads we admittedly about religion, but they weren't closed because of the subject matter. The fact the original ran for so long proves that. They were closed because they all turned into a slanging match and personal insults, which is unacceptable for any topic.


The general section is for any subject matter at all, but not for a continuation of a previous argument.


And to be fair, the protagonists were warned before hand.


Hope this clarifies matters. :thumbs:

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Missing the point there a bit TC. :yes:


The 3 closed threads we admittedly about religion, but they weren't closed because of the subject matter. The fact the original ran for so long proves that. They were closed because they all turned into a slanging match and personal insults, which is unacceptable for any topic.


The general section is for any subject matter at all, but not for a continuation of a previous argument.


And to be fair, the protagonists were warned before hand.


Hope this clarifies matters. :thumbs:


Welshie, I don't go with the bullying part, Fraz can hold his own. I am not in the slightest bit religious. But because some people are baiting him and he is giving as good as he gets the thread gets locked. IMO Fraz is as mad as a bag of frogs, that said, I will defend to the last his right to believe in what he likes, and his right to defend what he believes in. Some do not believe in the same ideology as him, but that does not give them the right to ridicule the man just for some sport.


Don't forget to vote Ukip tc.......

Accip Feck off. :D



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General section of a hunting site.

Don't like, don't read, simple as that.

Exactly my point. How can you ban one topic yet leave others?







General section of a hunting site.

Don't like, don't read, simple as that.

Exactly my point. How can you ban one topic yet leave others?




I was agreeing with you.


Apologies. :thumbs:



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