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My springer bitch is 16 months old now, and I thought I was getting somewhere but yesterday she was a completely different dog

Ignoring the whistle at times and just not responding to most commands, what made it worse was she chased a rabbit and ignored the stop

I know I will have to go back to basics for a while but how do you stop them from chasing rabbits??

Can this be done without access to a rabbit pen?

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not easy to do without access to a pen but i loaned the grandkids pet rabbit and under "very" careful supervision i trained my springer to leave them on command -ie stop whistle -thankfully no issues since but ive a 15 month old pup who will take a bit more work to get to other dogs level -but perseverance /patience will prevail im sure-billy ps good luck pal

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Talking to a old gun dog man the other day and he was saying that some breeds are more driven and less social now then before as far back as he could remember


The point he was making was that pups from high driven high achieving dogs trained to e collar selling pups to ordinary gunmen using traditional methods but finding the dogs less social and too driven for ordinary punter ??

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I hope not casso but she is very driven and yesterday was a nightmare, completely ignoring whistle and voice commands

Also started pulling on the lead aswell, no matter how many times I pulled her back with a very sharp tug and said heel within five yards there was tension on the lead again and I walked her a good mile and a half after work just on the lead with no improvement at all

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