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Hey ho ive proved my point, no rebuttal or comeback, from snake or boohshay, just as I thought, two smart arses with nothing only bully tactics, hi we should round your sort up an shoot ye's, hi it wont take long, an 5 bullets max, will be wasted. hehe

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First off Brian, I havent got to explain myself to anyone, especially on such a whack topic.. But I will for those at the back of the class.

I havent got an answer. Nor am I looking for one. Its all about the here and now with me, I dont care how I got here or where Im going. I believe that once you die, you get put in a box or burnt and thats the end of it. I dont bother chasing my tail about the why`s, if`s but and maybe`s. Ive more important shit to worry about.

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By your own admission, you havent a clue, so that makes you clueless, so why are you being such a hateful p...k towards, well me, but beleivers in general, youve admitted already that you dont even know your own argument, I didnt mind having a debate, I may of come of as a dick, but hey thats my opinion, an everyone has one, an the thl wiseman should understand this, instead they cant take it, an start getting personel, which is a SHAME........


You keep this topic, your religon suits it booshay, an as for you snake, your a coward, ive met your type before, an when it comes to the crunch, your a pussy.


cheers johnny

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Come on mods, any other topic, posted for constant ridiculment wouldn't be allowed, but this is. Fraz ain't throwing insults but Is constantly having to defend himself and the good book. Any other topic of choice and I get feeling it would be bullying

How have I ridiculed anyone? I put my point of view across as a non believer. Now whos trying to silence free speech? As has been stated, a true follower wouldnt go on like he does.



I reply to these threads because I feel theres more people dont want them than do ok Johnny. Frazdog just dont give up, thats a joke in itself. And as for making the most of my time, I enjoy coming on here and reading the banter, bullshit and broken biscuits..


Oh and Fraz, your a f***ing prick! You want to try practising what you preach. Like I said your contradictory and like nothing better than putting words in other peoples mouth, well I wont have it, I`ll spit them back at you :bye:

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Come on mods, any other topic, posted for constant ridiculment wouldn't be allowed, but this is. Fraz ain't throwing insults but Is constantly having to defend himself and the good book. Any other topic of choice and I get feeling it would be bullying


I've closed the last 2 because they've just turned into bitchfests. I can close this too, but no doubt another would be started within the next few hours. Should we ban religious/god topics altogether? I suppose it would be too much to ask for everyone (on both sides) to act in a civil manner.

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Or politley ask non believers to stop trying for a rise walshie, ain't that what you'd do if digging lads tryed it on in bushing section? Or like other examples iv already given, just a suggestion


I'm not taking sides. I asked politely on the first god thread for everyone to play nicely and they couldn't do it. Maybe it's too emotive a subject for a hunting forum? :hmm: And it takes 2 to have a slanging match.

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In one sentance you say I'm trying to stop free speech, and in another you said because you think more don't want them, than do they are silly or pointless or whatever your getting at?

I never said you ridiculed anybody, I said its been happening on last few threads. I don't/wont read/answer topics of no interest to me, I can't fathom why anybody would. Why cant the god/religion threads be there for folk.who want them, without non believers trying to upset? Would it be okay for folk who dislike nets ruining long netting posts, or shooters going out there way to try rock boat in dog threads?

Is this a christian forum then, no one told me.


Bin it.

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