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Lamping Or Day Time ?

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Haha..best post ive read since dinosaurs walked the earth!!! I too lived and breathed a life which seen me trawling the countryside in the hours of darkness with a dazzler in hand yet these days I enj

It's always been a good mix with me,,,liked both,,,,but if I'm honest I like the daytime just that few persent more,,,love watching the dog use it's nose find flush,,and run,,,,or mark to ground,,,and

Lamping for numbers....daytime for quality....... JMO.

I love creeping about with the lamp, but I love mooching around in the day couldn't say I have a favorite but with way things are I do a lot more lamping than daytime, when its all said and done I don't think there's owt better than watching a dog learn to find, flush, chase and catch its quarry. I'm pretty new to the lurcher game so I've a lot of experience to gain and a lot to learn so my opinion may change in future :)

Edited by MickyB
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  On 16/01/2015 at 12:39, Wales1234 said:

what do you lot prefer ? I'm a day man through and through I do like lamping and don't get me wrong you put a lot more game away but there's noting better than watching a good day dog work a scent for the last month or two I had some serious fun in the day and let it continue ! At the moment if I lamp my blue Bitch for a day or two after she will hunt but not the range of her usual days ! So which do you prefer?



:hmm:Well,.I've done my night walking,...years and fecking years of it,.night after night..


Still like to have a trip out,..but,.. I can take it,... or leave it...


My pleasure today, is to have a daytime mouch,...no pressure, no hassle,.just a bit of sport and some good craic...Watch the youngsters hunting up their quarry...


Mind you,...ya still got to be in good company.

Walking out with proper dog men,..lads with no competitiveness in their souls,...

Experienced, running dog men,.guys that know the score and who can accept our often difficult situation, and lack of good open rabbiting land, here in the South. :thumbs:

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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I spend a lot of time on my own with my little pack bushing hill work it's never just a walk with them but I love I only really lamp for the lurchers to learn their quarry and put a few in the bag

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  On 16/01/2015 at 18:58, RossM said:


  On 16/01/2015 at 15:26, Wales1234 said:

My love was watching a dog hunt deer or fox in the day that's great day time work !! Before the ban obviously

When you were 10 then!!! :laugh:
Umm 12 accually haha
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Much preferring the early morning/day time at the minute, lot less hassle etc, but if I look out the window and that tree is bending then I just can't help but get excited and pace the floor till it's "that time" :laugh:

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