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Tough On Immigrants

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Round up and ship out asap every single illegal immigrant then shore up our borders at Dover and Calais

Stop ALL benefits till legal immigrants have paid in fully for at least 3 years full time

5 years even better

Bring in a two child policy for ALL Immigrants here Legaly to stop the indiginouse population being bred out

If anyone don't like the above I don't care

Plenty illegal Immigrants in indigenous land, Australia,New zealand, America , Canada, south Africa, Kenya, just to list some of them.

All British descendant should be sent back, only than you c#nuts can ship immigrant out of your country.


I'm sure native Americans and other native be more then happy to take back their land, bout flocking Time.


Ow yeah and out of Ireland too. Take that fooking old lady Elizabeth Windsor outta Ireland.


There is a slight difference Axum, we went in and gave as much, if not more, than we took. We took minerals mostly, and we gave westernisation, and in some countries civilisation..


Ask all those countries if they would want us to give it back but leave it in the state we found it ? Do you really think native Americans would be happy with no shops, electricity, running water, sanitation, roads, buildings, healthcare, radio, tv. Do you want me to go on ?


Most of the immigrants come here to just take, take , take, as if it's their right. it's only proper you should have to put something in the pot before you take it out. 5 years work before ANY benefits, all male immigrants to do 3 years national service in the British army before they can bring their wife and children in. No parents allowed unless they have a job guaranteed for 5 years. No-one over the age of 45 as there's not enough time to build a pension up. No state pension unless worked here continuously for 20 years.


The list could go on, and should, but that's enough for starters.


What do you think we are, a charity? The sign says Great Britain Ltd, not Great Britain registered charity

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Sorry Axum, you've got it all wrong. If you live in a country that cannot obviously support you why continue to breed like rabbits, have you no common sense, THE LAND CANNOT SUPPORT YOU, STOP BREEDING

Apart from the law what is there to be scared of ?.....Muslims are showing themself to be possibly the most weak,pathetic gutless race of people known to man.....there communities are frightened of ba

id poison you to if i could .your poor people as you call em pour into this country reaping all the reqards free health care free housing free hand outs etc etc etc and in return they gang rape young

Also Axum, there is one main item most folk forget about. Humanity started in Africa, and it took a long time to reach here (an ice age in fact)


What have the idle gits in Africa and the rest of the 3rd world been doing while we reached where we are? Sitting under a tree ? Breeding like flies? Sod all ?


We got here by sheer hard work and long hours, if you want it do the same.

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Round up and ship out asap every single illegal immigrant then shore up our borders at Dover and Calais

Stop ALL benefits till legal immigrants have paid in fully for at least 3 years full time

5 years even better

Bring in a two child policy for ALL Immigrants here Legaly to stop the indiginouse population being bred out

If anyone don't like the above I don't care

Plenty illegal Immigrants in indigenous land, Australia,New zealand, America , Canada, south Africa, Kenya, just to list some of them.

All British descendant should be sent back, only than you c#nuts can ship immigrant out of your country.


I'm sure native Americans and other native be more then happy to take back their land, bout flocking Time.


Ow yeah and out of Ireland too. Take that fooking old lady Elizabeth Windsor outta Ireland.


There is a slight difference Axum, we went in and gave as much, if not more, than we took. We took minerals mostly, and we gave westernisation, and in some countries civilisation..


Ask all those countries if they would want us to give it back but leave it in the state we found it ? Do you really think native Americans would be happy with no shops, electricity, running water, sanitation, roads, buildings, healthcare, radio, tv. Do you want me to go on ?


Most of the immigrants come here to just take, take , take, as if it's their right. it's only proper you should have to put something in the pot before you take it out. 5 years work before ANY benefits, all male immigrants to do 3 years national service in the British army before they can bring their wife and children in. No parents allowed unless they have a job guaranteed for 5 years. No-one over the age of 45 as there's not enough time to build a pension up. No state pension unless worked here continuously for 20 years.


The list could go on, and should, but that's enough for starters.


What do you think we are, a charity? The sign says Great Britain Ltd, not Great Britain registered charity


chickens coming home to roost

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Round up and ship out asap every single illegal immigrant then shore up our borders at Dover and Calais

Stop ALL benefits till legal immigrants have paid in fully for at least 3 years full time

5 years even better

Bring in a two child policy for ALL Immigrants here Legaly to stop the indiginouse population being bred out

If anyone don't like the above I don't care

Plenty illegal Immigrants in indigenous land, Australia,New zealand, America , Canada, south Africa, Kenya, just to list some of them.

All British descendant should be sent back, only than you c#nuts can ship immigrant out of your country.

I'm sure native Americans and other native be more then happy to take back their land, bout flocking Time.

Ow yeah and out of Ireland too. Take that fooking old lady Elizabeth Windsor outta Ireland.

Like always, Irish are welcome in Africa and middle east, they good folks. Not you English.

The majority of us have become weary and have run out of charity, we have seen with our own eyes 3rd world immigrants taking our kindness and then kicking us in the teeth.

Take for instance my Nigerian neighbours. Two nice Lexus cars one of them brand new 4wd top of the range. Two kids in private school, never a days work done by anybody in the house.

Early one morning 6 months ago police raided the house, she was taken away, house searched and boxes of paperwork taken away.

Turns out the animals had fraudently obtained and string of council properties, which they were sub letting. To put the icing on the cake she also had a side line in organising sham marriages. So not only did we have this scum to contend with, we had all the dregs she had helped to bullshit their way in.

I have a good few more experiences I could tell you about, which have completely changed my views on immigration from the 3rd world.

These countries are shit holes for a reason and much like if you move a bad family onto a housing estate. The estate does not make the bad family good, the bad family lowers the quality of life for all the other people on the estate.

I don't wish harm on anybody, but I want many people to feel a lot less welcome here, especially if they come with nothing to offer and have no intention of doing anything other that taking.

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Round up and ship out asap every single illegal immigrant then shore up our borders at Dover and Calais

Stop ALL benefits till legal immigrants have paid in fully for at least 3 years full time

5 years even better

Bring in a two child policy for ALL Immigrants here Legaly to stop the indiginouse population being bred out

If anyone don't like the above I don't care


Plenty illegal Immigrants in indigenous land, Australia,New zealand, America , Canada, south Africa, Kenya, just to list some of them.

All British descendant should be sent back, only than you c#nuts can ship immigrant out of your country.

I'm sure native Americans and other native be more then happy to take back their land, bout flocking Time.

Ow yeah and out of Ireland too. Take that fooking old lady Elizabeth Windsor outta Ireland.

There is a slight difference Axum, we went in and gave as much, if not more, than we took. We took minerals mostly, and we gave westernisation, and in some countries civilisation..


Ask all those countries if they would want us to give it back but leave it in the state we found it ? Do you really think native Americans would be happy with no shops, electricity, running water, sanitation, roads, buildings, healthcare, radio, tv. Do you want me to go on ?


Most of the immigrants come here to just take, take , take, as if it's their right. it's only proper you should have to put something in the pot before you take it out. 5 years work before ANY benefits, all male immigrants to do 3 years national service in the British army before they can bring their wife and children in. No parents allowed unless they have a job guaranteed for 5 years. No-one over the age of 45 as there's not enough time to build a pension up. No state pension unless worked here continuously for 20 years.


The list could go on, and should, but that's enough for starters.


What do you think we are, a charity? The sign says Great Britain Ltd, not Great Britain registered charity

chickens coming home to roost

The shit is on your door step too.

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Round up and ship out asap every single illegal immigrant then shore up our borders at Dover and Calais

Stop ALL benefits till legal immigrants have paid in fully for at least 3 years full time

5 years even better

Bring in a two child policy for ALL Immigrants here Legaly to stop the indiginouse population being bred out

If anyone don't like the above I don't care

Plenty illegal Immigrants in indigenous land, Australia,New zealand, America , Canada, south Africa, Kenya, just to list some of them.

All British descendant should be sent back, only than you c#nuts can ship immigrant out of your country.


I'm sure native Americans and other native be more then happy to take back their land, bout flocking Time.


Ow yeah and out of Ireland too. Take that fooking old lady Elizabeth Windsor outta Ireland.


Like always, Irish are welcome in Africa and middle east, they good folks. Not you English.


and after multi billions of british tax payers money being ploughed into africa and the middle east .you fluckers are still sitting on your arses all day to lazy to move or even swat the blue bottles out your eyes .just sitting there waiting for some mug to wipe your arses .backward barbarians the lot of you .

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Round up and ship out asap every single illegal immigrant then shore up our borders at Dover and Calais

Stop ALL benefits till legal immigrants have paid in fully for at least 3 years full time

5 years even better

Bring in a two child policy for ALL Immigrants here Legaly to stop the indiginouse population being bred out

If anyone don't like the above I don't care

Plenty illegal Immigrants in indigenous land, Australia,New zealand, America , Canada, south Africa, Kenya, just to list some of them.

All British descendant should be sent back, only than you c#nuts can ship immigrant out of your country.


I'm sure native Americans and other native be more then happy to take back their land, bout flocking Time.


Ow yeah and out of Ireland too. Take that fooking old lady Elizabeth Windsor outta Ireland.


There is a slight difference Axum, we went in and gave as much, if not more, than we took. We took minerals mostly, and we gave westernisation, and in some countries civilisation..


Ask all those countries if they would want us to give it back but leave it in the state we found it ? Do you really think native Americans would be happy with no shops, electricity, running water, sanitation, roads, buildings, healthcare, radio, tv. Do you want me to go on ?


Most of the immigrants come here to just take, take , take, as if it's their right. it's only proper you should have to put something in the pot before you take it out. 5 years work before ANY benefits, all male immigrants to do 3 years national service in the British army before they can bring their wife and children in. No parents allowed unless they have a job guaranteed for 5 years. No-one over the age of 45 as there's not enough time to build a pension up. No state pension unless worked here continuously for 20 years.


The list could go on, and should, but that's enough for starters.


What do you think we are, a charity? The sign says Great Britain Ltd, not Great Britain registered charity


chickens coming home to roost


Not really, we've already done a lot for the world. Admittedly we didn't do it for free, we took minerals etc. However, if we hadn't the minerals would still be in the ground and the countries would still be 3rd world. Don't forget this would include America, Australia, canada and so on and so on !!


We've also taken lots of folk in already, the clearances for one, the potato famine for another, it goes back a long, long way. We've done our bit.

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Round up and ship out asap every single illegal immigrant then shore up our borders at Dover and Calais

Stop ALL benefits till legal immigrants have paid in fully for at least 3 years full time

5 years even better

Bring in a two child policy for ALL Immigrants here Legaly to stop the indiginouse population being bred out

If anyone don't like the above I don't care

Plenty illegal Immigrants in indigenous land, Australia,New zealand, America , Canada, south Africa, Kenya, just to list some of them.

All British descendant should be sent back, only than you c#nuts can ship immigrant out of your country.


I'm sure native Americans and other native be more then happy to take back their land, bout flocking Time.


Ow yeah and out of Ireland too. Take that fooking old lady Elizabeth Windsor outta Ireland.


There is a slight difference Axum, we went in and gave as much, if not more, than we took. We took minerals mostly, and we gave westernisation, and in some countries civilisation..


Ask all those countries if they would want us to give it back but leave it in the state we found it ? Do you really think native Americans would be happy with no shops, electricity, running water, sanitation, roads, buildings, healthcare, radio, tv. Do you want me to go on ?


Most of the immigrants come here to just take, take , take, as if it's their right. it's only proper you should have to put something in the pot before you take it out. 5 years work before ANY benefits, all male immigrants to do 3 years national service in the British army before they can bring their wife and children in. No parents allowed unless they have a job guaranteed for 5 years. No-one over the age of 45 as there's not enough time to build a pension up. No state pension unless worked here continuously for 20 years.


The list could go on, and should, but that's enough for starters.


What do you think we are, a charity? The sign says Great Britain Ltd, not Great Britain registered charity


chickens coming home to roost


Not really, we've already done a lot for the world. Admittedly we didn't do it for free, we took minerals etc. However, if we hadn't the minerals would still be in the ground and the countries would still be 3rd world. Don't forget this would include America, Australia, canada and so on and so on !!


We've also taken lots of folk in already, the clearances for one, the potato famine for another, it goes back a long, long way. We've done our bit.


thats for sure .Great Britain built the world we know today and we are still sustaining 75 per cent of it .most of the fluckers would still be living in trees and caves if it wasnt for good old blighty

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One story that made my mind up was told to me by an acquaintance. He worked for Massey Ferguson, the tractor people, as an overseas engineer. Whilst in Africa one job was to go and sort out a problem somewhere in the bush, tractor had stopped with warning lights on. I'm sure he said it was about six weeks before he got to it as there were other jobs on route. When he got to it the driver was sitting under a tree, and for the past six weeks that's all he had done. Gone to the tractor, sat under tree, gone back to mud hut. same again tomorrow and the next day and the next !


He looked at the tractor and .............. IT NEEDED ENGINE OIL TOPPING UP. ............ for six weeks !!! :icon_eek:


He packed the job up in the end as although it was good money and plenty of travel he couldn't handle the stress of dealing with the likes of that.

And I haven't seen him for years ...... could have seen him off :hmm:

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Fact, the minerals and oil that we, the British supposedly raped and pillaged from certain countries would still be laid there untouched and whist they might have been short changed regards money, it's a damn sight more than they would have had if it we were waiting for them to extract it. Whilst not ideal, they have benefitted from western input and investment.

Middle east oil?, it's western technology that's getting it out the ground.

The Saudi royal family would be sitting scratching their arses in tents if they didn't have oil.

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Fact, the minerals and oil that we, the British supposedly raped and pillaged from certain countries would still be laid there untouched and whist they might have been short changed regards money, it's a damn sight more than they would have had if it we were waiting for them to extract it. Whilst not ideal, they have benefitted from western input and investment.

Middle east oil?, it's western technology that's getting it out the ground.

The Saudi royal family would be sitting scratching their arses in tents if they didn't have oil.

And they'll be back there shortly when we don't need oil. They're trying to invest in tourism, same as Spain, and we all know what state Spain's in. Tourism doesn't pay good money, it's too cut throat.


Don't throw the camels out just yet Middle east, you may need them again !

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axum are you sure the irish are safe ? 1.Aidan Walsh kidnapped by jihadis in Lebanon, 1985.

2. Brian Keenan held hostage by Islamist Hizbollah, 1986 to 1990.

3.The Hindawi affair 1986. Jihadi uses his pregnant Irish girlfriend to try to blow up a plane.

4. 3 Irish killed in Lockerbie bombing 1988.

5.Valerie Place killed by jihadis in Somalia, 1993.

6.Fr Des Hartford kidnapped by jihadis in Philippines, 1997.

7.Noel Rooney targeted by jihadi bombers in Saudi Arabia, 2001.

8.Fr. Rufus Halley killed by jihadis in Philippines, 2001.

9. 6 Irish nationals killed by jihadis in 9/11 attacks, 2001, and hundreds of Irish-Americans. Those murdered included Irish-born Ruth McCourt and her daughter Juliana McCourt, age 4.

10.Aidan Leahy kidnapped by jihadis in Iran, 2003.

11.Simon Cumbers killed by jihadis in Saudi Arabia, 2004.

12. Irish aid worker kidnapped by Palestinian jihadis, 2004.

13. Tony Higgins killed by jihadis in Saudi Arabia, 2004.

14. Ken Bigley killed on video by jihadis in Iraq, 2004.

15. Margaret Hassan killed on video by jihadis in Iraq, 2004.

16. Ciaran Cassidy and Shelley Marie Mather killed by jihadis in London bombings, 2005.

17.Rory Carroll kidnapped by jihadis in Iraq, 2005.

18.John Ging attacked by jihadis in Gaza in 2007, and threatened with death by them in 2010.

19.Fred Parle kidnapped by Somali pirates, 2008.

20. Sharon Commins kidnapped by (probably government-backed) Janjaweed in Sudan, 2009.

21. Fr. Michael Sinnott kidnapped by jihadis in Philippines, 2009.

22. David Bloomer held briefly by Iran, 2009.

23. Helen Johnston kidnapped by jihadis in Afghanistan, 2012.

24. Stephen McFaul held hostage by jihadis in Algerian hostage crisis, 2013

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