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Dealing With Fleas On Shot Meat

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So guys,


How do you propose i best deal with the fleas? I usually leave the jackets on but paunch in the field. Then i put them in the outdoor fridge overnight usually till next day hen i have some time to do them.


But what really gets to me is the fleas. Some rabbits are literally crawling with them, it makes me itch like hell and i worry that the dog will bring them into the house.


Other than skinning in the field what tips do you have for getting rid of the fleas?


Thanks in advance

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As soon as the animal starts to cool the fleas are usually starting to jump off. An hour at the most and they'll be else where.

as long as the dogs upto date on flea treatment then they'll mop up any from the house/garden. As soon as they bite the dog they die so no worries.

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As above. I hang them in trees or just leave them in a row under car till the end of the trip. Once they cool and the blood clots the fleas can no longer feed so will move off.

Even the most infested rabbits seem clear by home time. But you`ll always come home with a hitchhiker or two..

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I wouldn't be putting fresh shot game into a carrier bag :no: it needs to cool as rapidly as possible, and plastic bags don't allow the meat to breath.


I read somewhere that fleas will usually leave the host within seven minutes of death :yes:

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