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Ken Morley Gets A Vote From Me!

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Just to clarify the 'rant' is about how what Ken said on the TV has taken front page headlines and the public are disgusted, but when I was in Hunt service I was called all sorts of things and physically assaulted. Try to get the Police to act and it was considered risks of the job. Even when it happened to my kids. Just a 'rant'......lol.

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I certainly wish no bad to your kids or any children, but when you speak of may or may not smack people in the mouth and vaguely speak of injustices as if it is universally understood, I am sorry I don't understand. I have also had hard times and I know of people of many colours and religions who have had hard times, is this a mortgage on hard times? Does this mean I/they are exempt from criticism? Of course not! I am afraid in the near future we are all going to have to toughen up and learn to be good to each other or things ate going to get very ver messy.

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