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By Eck It's Windy

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After a treacherous 50min drive up the motorway to my mates we got his van loaded up and made our way to our chosen destination, after last nights high winds there was a few trees blown down and temporary traffic lights in operation A4B39FC2-60E1-4401-ABDA-17068A6990AB_zps we eventually got to were we wanted to be, got the ferrets collered up and kit ready for the off DEA8AA2F-B058-445B-AC35-5F859DCF93FD_zps . The wind was howling up the fell side as we made our way up onto the flat tops we knew today wasn't going to be the best of days, eventually the lurcher gave us a posative mark so we netted up and entered my white hob, C0795DA8-6EEB-4672-B8C4-FEC255259E00_zps after what seemed like an age out with the locator and a mark of 3foot, first go with the spade felt it bounce back off the rock, abit of a probe about, keeping as close a possible to the rock progress was made a break through into the tube reviled the ferret, I managed to get him out and reach rabbit number 1 very much dead, I put him back in and immediately could hear him at another 1 abit more spade work and rabbit number 2 was in the bag 6D3488DB-913C-4348-ABF6-71A72CADE773_zps E0579184-B258-49DE-B74B-E9F692375424_zps nets picked up and hole back filled we moved on, having endured a couple of hours wind, rain, hail and a bit more wind which was constant all morning the lure of a greggs bean bake pasty and hot drink we called it a day with a grand total of 2. E461C6A9-4F07-4366-9161-E5F5DFE02D3B_zps A7C0A27D-B12D-454A-8F32-C43D8C0F918D_zps . Happy hunting cheers Neil b

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