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Greyhound Ferrets

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A tiny normal ferret that gets it`s head kicked in from any decent sized rabbit.

Good advice there Vin..   I first saw tiny,.weasle sized ferrets 50 years ago... They were generaly runts of the litter that had survived the cut..   Ocassionaly you would get an individual t

in the old days greyhound ferrets was a long lean ferret usually of a good size , you could buy them from exchange & mart & they was put on train for you to collect (in boxes not first class

eu polecats all the way ,greyhound ferrets ,cant beat them ,any way my favorite workers were and are sandys and albinos but ille give my eu polecats a chance there six month old now , had one out yesterday she done 4 good hill rabbits so shees coming on , the other one well maybe never make it but sheel get the chance and by next season if shees, no good well dead and gone ,cant complian had over 700 rabbs this season with dogs ferrets nets spade , ferrets cant be that bad ,must be doing something right

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Up here its no that hard to hit numbers of rabbits if your prepared to put the time and effort in , ive seen a few less than other years about the farms but nothing like the problems some of the English lads are getting numbers wise

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  • 7 months later...

does not a siner breed pure greyhounds the long and thin one, i have not got first hand experience with them but i have heared few people talk about them over here and they said they where great ferrets, and if there is none breed them why not as it hits the name they are greyhound ferrets they should be fast and able to fit through nets without moving them.


whats going on with the people in the world nowadays

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A smaller than 'small' ferret on rabbits will get thrown around. Might bolt the easy ones but will get a fair beating with the stubborn ones. Breeding the runts of the litter could very well lead to health problems within that line.

I'm not against labeling different breeding lines though. No they are not different species but like the dog, they can very well be labeled in 'breed' categories in my opinion, especially in the long run.

But selective breeding can arise problems like the angoras (Who don't take to their own young), pug ferrets (Unfortunately, yes) and silvers (Often deaf), you need to know what you are doing. It can't be rushed. Not against breeding for working traits but do your research and don't push for quick results.

Dogs like the pug and bulldog certainly do not get my blessing!!

I have no problem with the modern ferret, they do their job perfectly. It rings a bell seeing slimmer 'racier' ferrets when I was a child but perhaps my memories are of their summer weight. I would welcome a hob the size of a jill but no smaller and certainly not from a line of runts!

Edited by GreyRake
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well people over here that breeds and has micro ferrets they all like them and how are they too small that the rabbit throws them about well what i have heared they are good one day meaning they will be fast then next day they will be a wee bit slower but i have not worked one yet but this season i will as i bred some :victory: but everyone to there own :thumbs:

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