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Mk3M Collar Battery Help

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gents, i bought a pack of batteries on ebay for the collars and they are LR936/LR45 AG9/1.55v


the paperwork from deben suggests various other types but not this specific type.


are they safe to use in the collar or should i buy alternatives?

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The collars for the mark3 can be different batterys,I have the old grey one(non magnetic) and the newer black one(magnetic) and they take different battery's I think the newer collar takes 394 and the older one(non magnetic) 393,they are also called by other names such as lr44 etc,


Also known as 394, SR936W, 608, V394, D394,LR936, 280-17, SB-A4, SR45, SR936.
copied this from e bay

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It is perfectly safe to use the batteries. They are identical dimensions and voltage to a 394 battery. The difference is that AG9 is alkaline whereas 394 is silver oxide.


In general alkaline batteries have a lower mAh rating than their silver oxide equivalent so don't last as long. Silver oxide will be around 80mAh whereas alkaline will be about 50mAh.

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