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I've Spent More Time Untangling Nets

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I've had enough, what's the solution... I've been out rabbiting today and spent more time untangling nets than anything else, I'm using nylon thin netted ones of flea bay.. I have one orange one ( found on my ground where I have sole permission ?) which is thicker and never knots.. What nets do you use that knot less ??



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I got a dozen nets from the bloke I bought my pheasants off, made using butchers string and they are pretty good and don't really knot up.


I also inherited 10 thin Bisley style ones and spent an hour untangling them (despite them being individually wrapped and sat in a carrier bag hanging up undisturbed in a shed for about 15 years!)


All sorted now though.



I found the easiest way to do it was lay the net on a table and work the tied sections down over the bottom ring. Persevere with it and untwist the bottom half as it's needed and it soon comes free.

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Nylon nets are cheap for a reason, they are useless. You get what you pay for with nets. I use spun poly nets and also put stop nets through the hedge saves so much time rather than netting each hole. Like the other chaps also said work with a dog so much more fun! If you want some good spun poly nets an old boy I know makes them and they are great nets I use them and can't fault them. Message me if your interested and I can get a price for you. Atb Jarvis

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When it comes to purse nets,, I think it's the weight or thin ness of the material,,,,,rather than the actual material...


A big heavy 10z 4 foot long,,,,gets in no more mess than a Polly net the same length,,,,and in snow,,,them Polly nets are like magnets to snow,,,,


Get some big heavy 10 z,,the best by far

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Thinner nets catch better, tangle better and snag better. You have to come to a compromise.

Poly spun seems to be the best choice nowadays. I like 8z, but I think it depends on the ground you hunt. Always hedgerows, ditches and woods round here, well snaggy.

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Thinner nets catch better, tangle better and snag better. You have to come to a compromise.

Poly spun seems to be the best choice nowadays. I like 8z, but I think it depends on the ground you hunt. Always hedgerows, ditches and woods round here, well snaggy.

That's true as annoying as the 4z nets are they do tangle rabbits up amazingly well. My preference is spun poly or braided nylon also happy to use 10z nylon, don't realy like hemp because I cant be bothered to dry it and as far as I know you cant get it in bright colours.

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