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Deer Or Boar On Your Fac

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I've read different things about having deer and/or boar on your ticket. There doesn't seem to be a definitive answer anywhere.


I've got neither on mine, and obviously I would need to have a place to shoot said species to have them added.


If I bought a property that has these species on it, would that qualify as "good reason" or would I still need to do a DSC?


Any info much appreciated.

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If you have good reason (i.e they're an issue on your shooting rights) and you have the appropriate calibre then there's little to stop the police in preventing you. The DSC isn't part of legislation to 'qualify' you to hold a larger calibre but the police seem to like mentioning it.


I was recommended to do the DSC1 before I shot deer unaccompanied and I had a condition to state I should stalk with an experienced shot but that wasn't well defined and I'd passed by DSC1 on first time of asking with 3 weeks' revision and no previous deer experience at all (neither shot nor simulated stalk). As soon as I passed the course I could stalk by myself. I can shoot straight and true with no issues and understand the kill zones on animals to ensure the most humane approach but I do find it a bit of a joke that one weekend in a classroom with a few tests can all of a sudden make me a more responsible, trustworthy individual and fine to romp across the fields by myself. Felt like a bit of box ticking from the police...


That said, I found the course really useful and would recommend it to anyone that is (relatively) new to stalking as I found it gave me a good bit of knowledge that was a good base for the real learning that happens in the field, especially the messy stuff that happens after the trigger is pulled and you realise it's a mile back to the car with a dead weight.


I'd be inclined to sort your land out and apply for the calibre(s) or conditions without mentioning the DSC, they may not mention it and you can crack on. If you are interested in deer control / sourcing your own venison then the DSC1 is a good starting point.


Just my two pennies. Good luck mate :)

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I never did the course but did have a mentor for a good while when I first got my 243.




You can learn alot this way and it's great but don't tell the police unless you ask for you to be mentored

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I have both deer and boar on my fac i have for years i also have humain killer. as the law states you need to have a good reason to hold fac as you have deer on your land there you go you,ve got a good reason and if you,ve got boar minimum cal is 270

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If I bought a property that has these species on it, would that qualify as "good reason" or would I still need to do a DSC?


Any info much appreciated.

if that property was woodland, then you can shoot ANY deer at ANY time (no closed season) with a 12 gauge, as long as it's for protection of saplings

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  • 2 weeks later...

You dont need DSC or even have to have good reason for deer


You can apply for a deer calibre rifle without even have any land to shoot over


You tell them it for paid deer stalking

Not quite as simple as that.

You can apply for it but it dosent mean you will get it. LOL You will need to prove good reason why it should be granted and it paid for and checks will be made with who your booked in with and dates etc and if your going to be accompanied or not. There will be also other conditions imposed on your FAC in respect to only being able to use that rifle under specific like conditions.You certainly would not legally be allowed to use it unless it matched the conditions on your FAC.

One hell of a expensive way of stalking deer as well as no gaurantees of actually culling a beast,



Edited by Caprelous
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If I bought a property that has these species on it, would that qualify as "good reason" or would I still need to do a DSC?


Any info much appreciated.


if you had property with both deer and boar,automatically you would get both on your FAC.

In most cases you don not need a DSC1 to shoot deer,however,some police forces are asking that you complete the qualification as part of your FAC application.


Forestry Commission Ground,particularly in Scotland and Deer Stalking Syndicates that I'm in require DSC 1,as well as Insurance etc etc.



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