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Something For The Antis To Choke On

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As for it being too early to lamb? Bollocks, there are one or two breeds that drop early. I remember being out hunting years ago with hounds and running through a field full of ewes in lamb. That was in December and they were due to drop any day. The farmer wasn't pleased mind. I asked what breed they were and I'm sure he said they were Norfolks. The photo could have been staged anytime, it's such an easy one to do. Let the antis worry about that!

Edited by cragman
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We had lambs Christmas week behind the house,I am on full alert, as for staging it Why bother ?, there's loads of lambs taken by foxes,its a simple fact that the anti brigade bigot's wont accept,and some thing else,they won't accept they are taken by badgers,when they are lambed and wet in the field, before they are strong enough to stand,more randomly yes agreed, they are not a main food source,lambing fields in at any time can be brutal, foxes, badgers, carrion crows, taking eyes/ navels out, cold strong winds all take there toll on a lambing,The antis use any media against us,at least the subject in the picture is totally credible as in happens daily,

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  On 08/01/2015 at 09:14, 3175darren said:

We had lambs Christmas week behind the house,I am on full alert, as for staging it Why bother ?, there's loads of lambs taken by foxes,its a simple fact that the anti brigade bigot's wont accept,and some thing else,they won't accept they are taken by badgers,when they are lambed and wet in the field, before they are strong enough to stand,more randomly yes agreed, they are not a main food source,lambing fields in at any time can be brutal, foxes, badgers, carrion crows, taking eyes/ navels out, cold strong winds all take there toll on a lambing,The antis use any media against us,at least the subject in the picture is totally credible as in happens daily,


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  On 08/01/2015 at 10:25, chid21 said:

There was lambs on the ground here the 1st week of december ...

great time of year is it not,I love to hear them,run the lamp over the field every night, and walk the fence bottoms every morning,looking for sign, the guy just lambs his pedigree suffocks out,over xmas main lambing in April,

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Antis are thick as Fcuk, have no common sense.

The saying: "You can't educate pork" comes to mind when thinking of those tossers.

Some of the anti comments are just mind boggling, where were they educated or dragged up? In a fcuking hippy commune?

Absolute wastes of space, fcuking oxygen thieves who are of no benefit whatsoever to both mankind and the animal kingdom.

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Comments need approved lol


Foxes need controlled, they are classed as a pest species same as rabbits & rats, a farmer/gamekeeper or whom ever he employs to do so is entitled to protect his livelihood where is it be shooting, snaring or terrier work within the law. Some of the comments on this are quite farcical tbh, if foxes just took one or scavenged or ate rabbits then everything would be fine but fact of the matter they don't, they will return to a reliable food source as long as it's available (hence townies feeding them every night) and controlling them is a necessary process if livelihoods are to be protected. I'm sure everyone would just accept loosing X amount of money per annum out of there income and not have anything to say about it OR sit back and just accept it. I'm sure farmers would rather donate 3 quid a month and receive a free fluffy fox and a love letter too, if like other starving species charities there was a choice.

Edited by RossM
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