frazdog 252 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 haha @ dave Quote Link to post Share on other sites
pesky1972 5,363 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 (edited) To answer more directly, yes, casualties of war and this is a war whether you like it or not! If this is a war, then the muslim policeman Ahmed Merabet surely chose his side. And it wasn't the side of his extremist muslim 'brethren', but the side of decent law abiding French citizens everywhere, regardless of their colour or creed. How you could then justify rewarding this sacrifice by deporting the rest of his family the middle East to be carpet bombed is beyond me.., and I'd guess to most decent people. Do you truly believe that we are at war with every muslim who's a citizen of a European country, regardless of whether they have committed, or intend to commit, a crime? If so, can I ask what your contribution is to this 'war'? Other than coming on here ranting and whining about 'them', what have you actually done? You've certainly got plenty to say for yourself. Other than the privileged few on here.., maybe your missus and a few mates..., oh and those two old Spanish guys in the pub, who else gets to hear what you think or have got to say? If you feel so strongly, and that the situation is so dire, that the only solution is to relocate 45 million people before carpet bombing them into oblivion, something that is obviously never going to happen, then surely you're actually doing something? And I don't mean posting this sort of sh!te on other forums.., or 'liking' lots of anti-muslim stuff on facebook.., I mean what are you actually doing in the 'fight'? My guess is you're doing nothing...nada. Just another keyboard revolutionary. A bag of hot wind and pish. All pent up rage and hatred for people you don't even know, and who've done you nor anyone else any harm. You're pathetic, but a symptom of what this once great nation has become..., a bunch of whinging, whining cnuts without the gumption or the backbone even to stand up and fight for what they believe. Always looking for someone else to blame....and someone else to carry the fight. Edited January 10, 2015 by pesky1972 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
unlacedgecko 1,466 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 To answer more directly, yes, casualties of war and this is a war whether you like it or not! If this is a war, then the muslim policeman Ahmed Merabet surely chose his side. And it wasn't the side of his extremist muslim 'brethren', but the side of decent law abiding French citizens everywhere, regardless of their colour or creed. How you could then justify rewarding this sacrifice by deporting the rest of his family the middle East to be carpet bombed is beyond me.., and I'd guess to most decent people. Do you truly believe that we are at war with every muslim who's a citizen of a European country, regardless of whether they have committed, or intend to commit, a crime? If so, can I ask what your contribution is to this 'war'? Other than coming on here ranting and whining about 'them', what have you actually done? You've certainly got plenty to say for yourself. Other than the privileged few on here.., maybe your missus and a few mates..., oh and those two old Spanish guys in the pub, who else gets to hear what you think or have got to say? If you feel so strongly, and that the situation is so dire, that the only solution is to relocate 45 million people before carpet bombing them into oblivion, something that is obviously never going to happen, then surely you're actually doing something? And I don't mean posting this sort of sh!te on other forums.., or 'liking' lots of anti-muslim stuff on facebook.., I mean what are you actually doing in the 'fight'? My guess is you're doing nothing...nada. Just another keyboard revolutionary. A bag of hot wind and pish. All pent up rage and hatred for people you don't even know, and who've done you nor anyone else any harm. You're pathetic, but a symptom of what this once great nation has become..., a bunch of whinging, whining cnuts without the gumption or the backbone even to stand up and fight for what they believe. Always looking for someone else to blame....and someone else to carry the fight. Don't hold back mate, say what you mean. 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mushroom 13,302 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 Yep we are at war and numpties like you are the reason. There's a name for it you know..... It'd called collaboration. Do you know what populations do to collaborators? I repeat bomb them into submission f**k the casualties they are collateral damage. I could give a shit if a family of 10 in a mud hut get blown to bits to get to one terrorist, do that enough they'll get the message. As for you ya slimy cnut I hope you have a run in with these cnuts you love so much and its you ending up on YouTube. Peace Quote Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 I agree its out of hand, an alot of folk are fed up with the muslim attitude towards, britain an Ireland, an europe, they came here for a better life but then to piss on us when weve welcomed them is wrong, to say the least,but as max says, Iits the men in power that have done this an the blame lies with them. have to agree, mushy your a keyboard warrior, sitting over there in the sun,spouting shite on here, get your ass back to england an do soomething about it, if you have the balls mind you, your extremism an hatred is not just directed at muslims, its also directed at christians, to which you owe your scrawny atheist arse to, for the life you have now. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
kevin kiely 66 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 He stands out as having a bad attitude Quote Link to post Share on other sites
BIGLURKS 874 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 To be honest DB your the only member that I know of who has come out to say you are a Muslim so credit where credit it due to you for standing your ground. I however am very tired of hearing how it's "only a few bad apples in the barrel, Islam is a peaceful religion, we need to look at ways how to make young Muslims feel part of the community". Sorry but it's not what the majority of people now want, they want to be rid of this faith. London bombings Boston marathon Lee Rigby Murder Canada Ottowa shooting Sydney hostage and murders And now Paris. These are just a few I can recollect never mind all the car bombings and suicide bombings in Iraq Afghanistan etc. I'm so sick and tired of hearing the same lame excuses of why it's not the fault of Islam but the fault of the west it's boring. If Muslims don't get their house in order there will be a back lash. You seem to like history and if you have learnt anything about the British it's we are probably the most tolerant nation on the planet but don't push too hard or you won't like the consequences when we wake up. your forgetting the airport bomb attempt in Glasgow 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
pesky1972 5,363 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 Yep we are at war and numpties like you are the reason. There's a name for it you know..... It'd called collaboration. Do you know what populations do to collaborators? I repeat bomb them into submission f**k the casualties they are collateral damage. I could give a shit if a family of 10 in a mud hut get blown to bits to get to one terrorist, do that enough they'll get the message. As for you ya slimy cnut I hope you have a run in with these cnuts you love so much and its you ending up on YouTube. Peace Yep we are at war and numpties like you are the reason. There's a name for it you know..... It'd called collaboration. Do you know what populations do to collaborators? Collaboration with whom? I've made my feelings clear previously, on this and other threads about these animals.., about Peshawar, jihadi John, Boko Haram etc. All I've suggested here is that you can't blame the actions of three or four religious nutcases on the 5 million French, or even the 45 million European muslims...and believe me, I'll stand by that claim when you and your army come knocking on my door to dole out my punishment. I repeat bomb them into submission f**k the casualties they are collateral damage. I could give a shit if a family of 10 in a mud hut get blown to bits to get to one terrorist, do that enough they'll get the message. Haven't we just spent two decades trying that in Iraq and Afghanistan? Hundreds of our soldiers dead and tens of billions spent to achieve what exactly? Nothing that benefits me as a British citizen or taxpayer that's for sure, and it doesn't feel as though we've won anything..., or brought about peace. In fact, on the whole, all it's really done is make things worse. Don't you agree? As for you ya slimy cnut I hope you have a run in with these cnuts you love so much and its you ending up on YouTube. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rodp 316 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 Yep we are at war and numpties like you are the reason. There's a name for it you know..... It'd called collaboration. Do you know what populations do to collaborators? I repeat bomb them into submission f**k the casualties they are collateral damage. I could give a shit if a family of 10 in a mud hut get blown to bits to get to one terrorist, do that enough they'll get the message. As for you ya slimy cnut I hope you have a run in with these cnuts you love so much and its you ending up on YouTube. Peace Yep we are at war and numpties like you are the reason. There's a name for it you know..... It'd called collaboration. Do you know what populations do to collaborators? Collaboration with whom? I've made my feelings clear previously, on this and other threads about these animals.., about Peshawar, jihadi John, Boko Haram etc. All I've suggested here is that you can't blame the actions of three or four religious nutcases on the 5 million French, or even the 45 million European muslims...and believe me, I'll stand by that claim when you and your army come knocking on my door to dole out my punishment. I repeat bomb them into submission f**k the casualties they are collateral damage. I could give a shit if a family of 10 in a mud hut get blown to bits to get to one terrorist, do that enough they'll get the message. Haven't we just spent two decades trying that in Iraq and Afghanistan? Hundreds of our soldiers dead and tens of billions spent to achieve what exactly? Nothing that benefits me as a British citizen or taxpayer that's for sure, and it doesn't feel as though we've won anything..., or brought about peace. In fact, on the whole, all it's really done is make things worse. Don't you agree? As for you ya slimy cnut I hope you have a run in with these cnuts you love so much and its you ending up on YouTube. No, we haven't actually. We have however spent two decades being bombed and shot at without regard at all for civilian casualties while our troops have been having to fight back with both hands tied behind their backs. That's what's really caused so many casualties, and the do gooders are completely to blame !!! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Squirrel_Basher 17,100 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 Do you musi lovers really think it ends with what a few have done ,are you so blinkered as to not see what the fuckers are doing to a once Great Nation .Our very way of life is being eroded by the f***ing masses that polute our air with the stink of curry and BO .Bringing their religion to our cities ,turning housing areas into slums ,shout the race card if you so much as raise your voice .Lads on here and elsewhere may not be activly doing anything but when the time comes ,as it will ,i would take any one of them over 10,000 musi fuckers .We will see it get worse ,there will be blood shed but if it means my kids have a chance of the life ive had then so be it .Will only take the right catalist and were off ,cant come soon enough . Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,965 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 With all due respect Foxdropper the old "send em all back" & "race war" mantra has been trotted out for 30 years, it's got nowhere so far and my guess is that it will get nowhere in the short, never gonna happen. One of the only groups who actually had their eye on the ball as to where the root of the problem was, was C18.....they set up "Red Watch" as they knew who the real enemy was. Unfortunately the lads at the top were not very bright and the police were waiting for them to make the inevitable mistake, which they did. If someone with real intelligence and intellect had got hold of C18 early, it may still be around......the way forward will be done in suits and shoes, NOT boots and braces mate. 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,531 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 If someone with real intelligence and intellect had got hold of C18 early, it may still be around...... Ive been saying words to that effect on here for years every c**t thought i was retarded .....think you just have a better way with words than me Wilf 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Slippery_Weasel 460 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 Why do we shoot them in the legs in this country and every where else shoots to kill?? Completely different situation mate. The Unit that dealt with this situation were the French GIGN, one of the worlds premier counter terrorism units and up there with the likes of SAS CRW teams and Seal team 6 etc. None of those level of units f**k about with arrests. I could name a number of examples from the UK? The Rigby killing was dealt with by a regular armed police officer. Not the same at all mate. And I bet the uk police who shot the lee rigby killers knew they would be fighting to hang onto their careers after. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Squirrel_Basher 17,100 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 Dress it up any way you like . How long before these suits get up off their fat arses to do anything .It will start at boots level thats a fact before the fat suits see it how it is .Civil war is coming to a twon near you .Fact Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,965 Posted January 10, 2015 Report Share Posted January 10, 2015 IMHO most people don't care enough, look around, most of them and their family's have gone to shit themselves.........if you had a vote tomorrow that said "you can get rid if all the incomers but it will mean a £10 grand drop in your house price and credit would be more expensive" it would be massively rejected. IMHO that is the fact. You can hear it on public transport, white lads talking like niggers from the block, big fat mess birds cutting about with 10 kids by 6 f***ing self respect. As far as I am concerned them fuckers are part of the problem too, in many ways worse because they are out "own " 4 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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