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All Kicked Off In Paris

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alright alright your dying for someone to ask aint ya.............where have you served ? how many times was you killed ? ....   Make it quick ive got a wife to slap theres a good lad .............

Will all be over soon ,Downsview is on his way ,traffic a bit heavy on the 25 at the mo,his got a full tin of Eley wasps ,in terrorists favourite flavor .22!just had an Ox spring put in the vulcan ,hi

The unelected Commisioners, (Commisars ?), in the EU want to abolish the nation state and all national identities, and they are ably backed by the likes of Cameron, Milliband and Clegg. It's part of

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I've used the medical services here a couple of times and always saw a Spanish or Catalan Dr. Far better than the paki prik I saw in England who accused me of having a coke habit because my nasal passages are fuckked from to much drill dust from my old job and was reprimanded because of his attitude towards non Muslims. IMO cnut should have been sent home on the first ship carrying pig meat.

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Mushroom told you your a grade "a " c**t so sue me you fecking divvy, You people refers to a group dont you understand english, still waiting for a sensible comment from you, as for wreaking a terrible revenge Wilf dont you think it would be reciprocated? This is where the crux is that violence only returns violence I know that if I know feck all else, world wars have solved nothing a third world war would destroy the whole of humanity , so solutions not rhetoric

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And I told you Muslims are cnuts so sue me ;) did the japs respond after Nagasaki or the Germans after Dresden??? Nah mate face it if we weren't led by f****n lambs we'd have already levelled the lot of you ;) xx

Edited by mushroom
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You people talk of Muslims wanting to impose Shariat etc what the f**k are you people trying to impose on a Billion people ? The hatred espoused on here is no different than the hatred you claim the Muslims have for the West so come on you experts solutions forget the genocide , the deporting all Muslims the Special ops its not going to happen the revolution thats talked about is not going to meterialise that is fact so being a backward uneducated follower of islam tell me and the billion muslims what is the solution?


Are you seriously having a laugh?

This country has been far to tolerant towards "you lot" over the past 50 years.

You have shown your true colours and f****d the majority of the native population off. To put it simply, we dont trust you anymore.


Are you a 100% sure that there wont be a revolution? I wouldnt want to be in your position if there is.

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I don't actually have a problem with you desert aside from we don't agree on certain issues but you really seem to think I care lol


Tbh I just want your religion and all its acolytes gone! It is backward, medieval, repressive and has no place in europe

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Mushroom told you your a grade "a " c**t so sue me you fecking divvy, You people refers to a group dont you understand english, still waiting for a sensible comment from you, as for wreaking a terrible revenge Wilf dont you think it would be reciprocated? This is where the crux is that violence only returns violence I know that if I know feck all else, world wars have solved nothing a third world war would destroy the whole of humanity , so solutions not rhetoric


You of all people in this discussion know the Islamic mind matey, do you think they will stop?.......what could you possibly offer a true believer that would make them change their mind like a few quid makes our morally bankrupt society change it's mind?


I don't think anything would( you may educate me differently) but if nothing would then surely the only logic would be extermination......you can't negotiate with a mad dog with all due respect.

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over many years i have been a regular visitor to africa , the older generation of muslims are honest hard working people very kindly & generous with whatever meagre sources they had, over the last 15 years the villages i travelled through started getting mosques bulit with big signs on them donated by the government of saudi etc , the kids in these villages used to run behing the jeep shouting minti minti (sweets) in the past few years as you pass them now the kids pretend to aim guns at you & shout abuse , so sad really they must have only been taught to hate the westeners by the leaders in these mosques ,

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Wilf we can agree on one thing people like ISIS Alquaida and a lot of the islamic mullahs like Anjum Choudhry , Abu Hamza , and many other radicals need eliminating The West also wants to change its policies of regime support and regime change in the Middle East we can clean our own rubbish, The two holding the Hostage in France I would slot them and if need be the sole hostage with them you are right how do you negotiate with Mad Dogs but these kind of dogs are on all sides and in all societies. Politicians as far as I can see are where the majority of the problems are the mass intergration as I have stated before does not work cultural traditional divisions are to wide but some tolerance needs to be found otherwise things will deteriorate to such a level that things like Enoch Powells rivers of blood will become reality..

Edited by desertbred
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