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All Kicked Off In Paris

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alright alright your dying for someone to ask aint ya.............where have you served ? how many times was you killed ? ....   Make it quick ive got a wife to slap theres a good lad .............

Will all be over soon ,Downsview is on his way ,traffic a bit heavy on the 25 at the mo,his got a full tin of Eley wasps ,in terrorists favourite flavor .22!just had an Ox spring put in the vulcan ,hi

The unelected Commisioners, (Commisars ?), in the EU want to abolish the nation state and all national identities, and they are ably backed by the likes of Cameron, Milliband and Clegg. It's part of

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Fuuckk this bollocks deport the lot out of europe back to their shit holes!


Just listening to a conversation in a bar and the Spanish are proper fuucked off and ready to go by the sounds of these two old men lol


Murder and torture is to gentle for these fucks!!

What 'lot'? Where are the Spanish going...., and how do the old men know?


Assuming this is just your standard 'send them back' rant applied to all muslims, where would you send the 45 million? And would the family of Ahmed Merabet be asked to leave?

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I would hate to see the mayham a hundred strong of the c**ts could course..


I should think Paris Old Bill are stretched beyond maximum now.


2 dead at Jewish grocers Port De Vincenne. East Paris. Hostages include kids going by french news

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Said it years ago on here, there'll be civil war on our streets ;)


Deport each and everyone of them, then carpet bomb the entire region from middle east to malasia into extinction. Job done, few innocents killed granted but who gives a fuckk? They obviously don't!

Edited by mushroom
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Said it years ago on here, there'll be civil war on our streets ;)


Deport each and everyone of them, then carpet bomb the entire region from middle east to malasia into extinction. Job done, few innocents killed granted but who gives a fuckk? They obviously don't!

There's about as much chance as Elvis coming back on tour in 2016 than all that you just wrote, keep it real.

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Come on shroom, there's no need to be committing genocide or for any other emotional retaliatory response. :thumbs:


There's plenty of innocent folks in the Middle East that we should have no grievance with and to kill them as 'collateral' I would find morally intolerable.


A strong and aggressive military action should be taken, but lets not sacrifice our humanity. We have the capability to target the guilty and rid this world of them without having to commit genocide.

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Why wouldn't a civil war happen? Wars do happen you know and the more terrorist attacks that take place the more people will move to the right. Hence why alot of muslims say these attacks are actually an attack against Islam. There is a problem with radical Islam and the way things are being done to tackle it isn't working. I believe a civil war will 100% happen at some point. Mps need to stop the human rights bullshit and care about the rights of the every day people. You can have different opinions that's fine unlike Islam i believe in free speech but those idiots who are recruiting and making it clear they have a hatred for the west should be shipped out to isis we shouldn't be taking their passports from them and keeping them here. It should be the moderates who should be suggesting it more than anyone surely?

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Mushroom your full of shit


Youve crawled out from under your rock finally!


Now tell us how it is just extremists that are at fault and "moderate" muslims have nothing to do with it.

Same old shit, just another day.


If your religion is so fragile, a cartoon can bring it to its knees like this, it needs some attention, really it does.

Edited by Mr Wasp
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