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Young Girl And Pit Bulls

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Ridiculas, so the idea is to have a four year old in front of six dogs (forget pit bull for the moment) and feed them so they have to compete from one pile of food rather than eat individually   Ho

The yanks like to call them " Fur Mommys "......................the same types who sit writing letters to death row inmates saying " Marry me i can change you "   You can be lucky 100 times....you o

If somebody can tell a good example of the breed from a video like that then its no wonder 95% of the breed is down the toilet !

Ridiculas, so the idea is to have a four year old in front of six dogs (forget pit bull for the moment) and feed them so they have to compete from one pile of food rather than eat individually :hmm:


How long before just one of them decided it's time for an alpha male change and that little girl is caught up int the aftermath.


An you wonder why there are so many injuries from domestic dog attacks. "I don't understand it they never did it before........"

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Sorry, but I can't stand idiots like that......the question is "Why?"

Those dogs would have that little girl in bits in about 30 seconds flat !!


These are the type of people who SHOULD NOT be allowed to own such dogs !!

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The thing is she knows it is a difficult thing to do. She's just one of these types who believes that they are her babies and they won't get out of hand.

Well the warnings are out there, she knows about them so if her daughter gets injured or worse killed then she should be jailed for a very long time.

Risking injury to prove a point......Dafty!!!

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The yanks like to call them " Fur Mommys "......................the same types who sit writing letters to death row inmates saying " Marry me i can change you "


You can be lucky 100 times....you only need to be unlucky once !!

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Well I'm sold! It's obviously perfectly safe to have 6 male pitbulls round small children & food, that proves it?


Cos we all know there's no bad dogs, just bad owners! Right?


Fcuking imbeciles!!!

Edited by Accip74
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Well I'm sold! It's obviously perfectly safe to have 6 male pitbulls round small children & food, that proves it?


Cos we all know there's no bad dogs, just bad owners! Right?


Fcuking imbeciles!!!

And that is the most dangerous thing about silly videos like this, daft c**ts will watch that ONE example and think it the norm, rush of to the local dog pound and get some savage mutt in total belief that it's all down to how you treat/handle them....tick tock...BOOM!


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Will only take one to turn on her, then they will all start.

100% , true :thumbs: , ive been round bull breeds since I was a kid long time ago, lol and we never were aloud to by them unless my old man was there and ruled them with fear, not one would try it on with him.But the amount of times they try to kick off over the daffiest things bit of wood bit of plastic , etc never mind dinner time, they would try to kill each other and what ever there with them :yes: said it before and say it again , pits when they do start take hell of a while to stop, there not like other breeds, they don't mind pain , like other dogs do and that's the difference with them from other breeds :yes:

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On one hand its nice to see something other than the dogs being called devil dogs and shown by idiotic owners. On the other hand i agree with every post on here there is just no need. Feeding any breed all together is asking for possible trouble and good luck trying to break up a small pack of pitbulls. Most struggle with just the one dog let alone that many. Only thing i can take out of it as a positive is that the young girl seems a confident kid around dogs but then i used to be around a huge Indian python when younger now i wouldn't like to hold a corn snake lol kids are fearless. Not surprised about the dogs being fine with the kid its not impressive to me that's how all dogs should be. Got a disabled cousin who'd scream at the sight of a dog was so bad he once run into the road with traffic. For some reason my old staff seemed to tell he didnt like dogs and kept out his way and my cousin was actually able to be in the same room as him. Find most people who keep working dogs aren't the type to make excuses for a dog unlike alot of pet owners who baby their dogs and so I've always been more confident around them.

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