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The Father Land Is Unhappy

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These asylum seekers are running from the Islamic regimes, in their native countries, so why should we let the bring that shite over here? So we can live in tents and bring our countries down to gutter level to make them feel at home. They should be made to denounce Islam and swear an oath to christianity

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Jolly good, nice to see our Germanic brothers having their say, and looking at the state that ship of fools Sweden is in due to turd world immigration, not least earning the title rape capital of Europe it was only a matter of time.

sweeden had very little crime 20 yrs back ,, but tolerance, and embrace of other cultures has f****d them up the arse with no go areas in every corner of the country , run by drug dealing folk who were shown tolerance when they were let in

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PEGIDA has been marching all over Germany, protesting against the islamafication of Europe, but the BBC is doing its best not to report it. In Germany the establishment and the media have come out in force against them, calling them Nazis, racists and fascists , WHY ? Can they not see what's happening ? A poll in Germany has found one in three Germans would join the marches if they were held in their city, but the politicians will not listen to the people.

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It just don't make sense do it why do western people bow down to Muslims and when someone speaks out against them they are branded racist I can't figure it out

Money and power. Who's got the most oil, and therefore the most money? You're not going to get Governments, MP's and high flyers going against the ones with the money. Especially as the influx of dross doesn't affect them.

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500.000 Pacafists

500,000 bodies none the less.

But I agree, we could march all day for any reason and we (and they) know it usually comes to nothing.

I'm not one for inciting any form of physical action, but, to be honest I can see it heading that way.

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