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The Father Land Is Unhappy

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The last time the Germans went against a religion there was two world war snd jews were eradicated.



And im just saying.

Does that mean they have forfeited the right to ever have a voice again.

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The two world wars were the result of German expansionism, not religion. Yes, the Germans murdered six million Jews , but the Jews certainly WERNT eradicated. We may well have a Jewish Prime Minister after the General Election.

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The last time the Germans went against a religion there was two world war snd jews were eradicated.



And im just saying.

Does that mean they have forfeited the right to ever have a voice again.

Unfortunately not .. The winners should have the [BANNED TEXT] to send all undesirables to losers and neutral, s . and while I'm making laws I want free icecream for kids lol

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The last time the Germans went against a religion there was two world war snd jews were eradicated.



And im just saying.

Does that mean they have forfeited the right to ever have a voice again.



The title of that BBC series always makes me laugh "the Nazis, a warning from history" thank god the Nazis lost, we would be in a right f***ing mess now :blink:

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