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The Numbers Game

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Try to get about abit,,but not as much as some lads,,, look at Jim,, or the lads that do it for a living,,, like socks or Lloyd,, think they will be getting alto more than that,,,


Jim didn't you get around 3000 last year

that's a lot of bunnys tomo I know now why theres nowt on our kids permission this year :boogy: well done you lads bet the farmers are well happy

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year 1955, decent numbers for me, manchester terrier, and whip x grey, christ those were the days, im still at it now in 2015, i dunna bother about numbers, never have, but i can tell you this, im now

When the going is good you make the most of it with your dog ,theres a alot of times in the year you cant do owt for some reason or other.fill the car up and get on the road.    

its nice to no you can do the numbers and have the dog to do it,,even when you do slow down a little

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Do the butchers still take them if the meat is bruised by the dog biting the rabbits yea?

not round us kevin,they only like them netted or head shot, any my lad gets are used by us or the ferrets so its no bother,plus he don't get massive numbers ,just what we need :thumbs:

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Do the butchers still take them if the meat is bruised by the dog biting the rabbits yea?

If your dogs fairly soft mouthed then just skin and gut them as soon as you get back and then rinse and drop them in a tub of salt water (iced if possible) while you sleep. That'll sort out any small marks.

I cut the carcasses in three before bagging and freezing and if one has marked back legs while another has marked ribs I just swap 'em over. The bag with the bruised bits gets marked with a big d (for dogfood) while the good bags are marked "RABBIT" and the date of freezing underneath.

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I must admit in the past selling doged rabbits as ferreted,,,,there's lots of little tricks you can do to clean up a rabbit,,that's bruised ... Nowadays all mine go for animal food


With the very sharp point of a knife,,make little nicks on the buised bit,,and get the concealed blood out,,,of course it depends on how bad the bunny is marked up

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Spot on that max,,,it's surprising how many do get knocked about by the ferrets,,,back and sadle normally ok,,,but they can spoil the legs and arse end...very often head shot rabbits are the best of the lot..


Good money you getting there mate,,,,as it should be,,,,let's face it,,,a rabbit skinned out weighs around 2lbs,,,,so at £4 ,,that's only £2 a pound,,,,,wich would still make it about the cheapest cut of meat you could buy

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Spot on that max,,,it's surprising how many do get knocked about by the ferrets,,,back and sadle normally ok,,,but they can spoil the legs and arse end...very often head shot rabbits are the best of the lot..


Good money you getting there mate,,,,as it should be,,,,let's face it,,,a rabbit skinned out weighs around 2lbs,,,,so at £4 ,,that's only £2 a pound,,,,,wich would still make it about the cheapest cut of meat you could buy

I worked in a biscuit factory in my youth,i don,t eat biscuits anymore,i used to enjoy rabbit,roasted,casseroled,boiled or fried,ive gutted that many i cannot eat them anymore,even free.Buck bunny is one of the healthiest of meats to eat,id rather tuck into liver and onions.

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