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The Numbers Game

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year 1955, decent numbers for me, manchester terrier, and whip x grey, christ those were the days, im still at it now in 2015, i dunna bother about numbers, never have, but i can tell you this, im now

When the going is good you make the most of it with your dog ,theres a alot of times in the year you cant do owt for some reason or other.fill the car up and get on the road.    

its nice to no you can do the numbers and have the dog to do it,,even when you do slow down a little

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brings back some memmories does that pic Tomo, and here me these days, happy to come home with just the 1

I know folk won't belive me,,,,but if a go for a mooch local I'm just the same,,,nothing like watching the dog work till it makes a catch,,,or scents one to hole,,,ferret out your pocket,,,and a min later the chase is on....


It's only when I travel ,,,I think right let's got some game killed..

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It's finding the right places aswell. You've definitley got to put a few miles in haven't you . I've been invited on a night out off a lad on here it will be good crack. should see a lot more than we do around by me lol might get an insight as to 'how the other half live' with all these good bags lol

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Per month I was averaging 550 rabbits most months with the dogs

Of for dog food100_1424.jpgIMG_0508.jpg03082011760.jpgIMG_0073.jpg

You look abit like that mark brick fella ? Can you walk on water and change water into wine like he can ?
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85 in this pic,,,trigger of here with his young malamute cross,,,he had 50 and Venus had 35 that night,,,we shouldn't have stoped that night,,,but for the last hour or so I had Venus on the lead,,,and was happy to just watch the big womble do his thing,,lol,,,



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