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The Numbers Game

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year 1955, decent numbers for me, manchester terrier, and whip x grey, christ those were the days, im still at it now in 2015, i dunna bother about numbers, never have, but i can tell you this, im now

When the going is good you make the most of it with your dog ,theres a alot of times in the year you cant do owt for some reason or other.fill the car up and get on the road.    

its nice to no you can do the numbers and have the dog to do it,,even when you do slow down a little

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Fair offer there Mark..im down South myself next week with my own pooch, out of it's comfort zone and all that lol

Make sure you're fit.....No huffing and puffing..... :D

Don't you be worrying about my fitness matey..im maybe a lot older than you but rest assured I won't jack..my dog might but not me haha

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Living in close proximity to the Dales it was only a matter of time before the "numbers game" took over my life.I spent year after year as the most dissatisfied bunny basher,if i caught 10 i wanted 11,then when i caught 11 i wanted 20.This path of blind obsession had me trading in mutt after mutt always wanting to source the ultimate running and killing machine.When i look back on my naive stupidity i realise these were the least enjoyable times i had with lurchers,the amount tallied was the only factor that mattered and the dogs often suffered because of it.Id encourage anyone with lurchers,if they have the sheer drive and determination thats needed,to seek the numbers game for a while,ill guarantee it will make a better dog man of them,then enjoy hunting again and be happier with an empty bag at times.I take more satisfaction now from the day out and hunt,the kill is an anti-climax,plus why put all that time and effort into filling a freezer,run after run,trudging up hill and down dale,scaling walls,fences and gates burdened by smelly rodents and lamps and batteries,i can feel the force again,nah,1 run and the freezers full is the way of the Jedhi now.

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Where over bliidsworth nots next week for a few days with the keeper. Me tj jones gafffa and baw if you fancy it

2100 acres

Theres feck all there,,, just up road from me,,ive had all that... ;)

Poaching b*****d haha

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Living in close proximity to the Dales it was only a matter of time before the "numbers game" took over my life.I spent year after year as the most dissatisfied bunny basher,if i caught 10 i wanted 11,then when i caught 11 i wanted 20.This path of blind obsession had me trading in mutt after mutt always wanting to source the ultimate running and killing machine.When i look back on my naive stupidity i realise these were the least enjoyable times i had with lurchers,the amount tallied was the only factor that mattered and the dogs often suffered because of it.Id encourage anyone with lurchers,if they have the sheer drive and determination thats needed,to seek the numbers game for a while,ill guarantee it will make a better dog man of them,then enjoy hunting again and be happier with an empty bag at times.I take more satisfaction now from the day out and hunt,the kill is an anti-climax,plus why put all that time and effort into filling a freezer,run after run,trudging up hill and down dale,scaling walls,fences and gates burdened by smelly rodents and lamps and batteries,i can feel the force again,nah,1 run and the freezers full is the way of the Jedhi now.

You've almost wrote my life story there for me buddy...Top post

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Where over bliidsworth nots next week for a few days with the keeper. Me tj jones gafffa and baw if you fancy it

2100 acres

Theres feck all there,,, just up road from me,,ive had all that... ;)

Poaching b*****d haha


Sent you a pm

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Living in close proximity to the Dales it was only a matter of time before the "numbers game" took over my life.I spent year after year as the most dissatisfied bunny basher,if i caught 10 i wanted 11,then when i caught 11 i wanted 20.This path of blind obsession had me trading in mutt after mutt always wanting to source the ultimate running and killing machine.When i look back on my naive stupidity i realise these were the least enjoyable times i had with lurchers,the amount tallied was the only factor that mattered and the dogs often suffered because of it.Id encourage anyone with lurchers,if they have the sheer drive and determination thats needed,to seek the numbers game for a while,ill guarantee it will make a better dog man of them,then enjoy hunting again and be happier with an empty bag at times.I take more satisfaction now from the day out and hunt,the kill is an anti-climax,plus why put all that time and effort into filling a freezer,run after run,trudging up hill and down dale,scaling walls,fences and gates burdened by smelly rodents and lamps and batteries,i can feel the force again,nah,1 run and the freezers full is the way of the Jedhi now.

Great post! I was the same, I wonder if the Dales rabbits makes everyone like that? If we didn't get thirty then we had the bottom lip out and wouldn't go home until we got over that figure. It was too easy in a way, but you get drawn into battling with yourself over that one more bunny syndrome. And heaven forbid if another team had gotten more.....when competition takes over the fun goes out of it all IMO....and now the places where we used to take all those rabbits from are almost rabbit less.....we thought the rabbits were like the magic pot of porridge; a never ending supply, but like all good things, it came to an end. And, if I'm honest, I wasn't too fussed when it did!

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Theres a pub in the next village rainworth,,,called the lurcher pic on the sign outside looks like Kat

Kats getting old she still does the odd night and can still move as good as any dog her age

But it's up to her to off springs from different litters. To take up the heals which they do do

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Living in close proximity to the Dales it was only a matter of time before the "numbers game" took over my life.I spent year after year as the most dissatisfied bunny basher,if i caught 10 i wanted 11,then when i caught 11 i wanted 20.This path of blind obsession had me trading in mutt after mutt always wanting to source the ultimate running and killing machine.When i look back on my naive stupidity i realise these were the least enjoyable times i had with lurchers,the amount tallied was the only factor that mattered and the dogs often suffered because of it.Id encourage anyone with lurchers,if they have the sheer drive and determination thats needed,to seek the numbers game for a while,ill guarantee it will make a better dog man of them,then enjoy hunting again and be happier with an empty bag at times.I take more satisfaction now from the day out and hunt,the kill is an anti-climax,plus why put all that time and effort into filling a freezer,run after run,trudging up hill and down dale,scaling walls,fences and gates burdened by smelly rodents and lamps and batteries,i can feel the force again,nah,1 run and the freezers full is the way of the Jedhi now.

Great post! I was the same, I wonder if the Dales rabbits makes everyone like that? If we didn't get thirty then we had the bottom lip out and wouldn't go home until we got over that figure. It was too easy in a way, but you get drawn into battling with yourself over that one more bunny syndrome. And heaven forbid if another team had gotten more.....when competition takes over the fun goes out of it all IMO....and now the places where we used to take all those rabbits from are almost rabbit less.....we thought the rabbits were like the magic pot of porridge; a never ending supply, but like all good things, it came to an end. And, if I'm honest, I wasn't too fussed when it did!


I used to spend an hour or more hacking brambles to get to a rabbit,the "Dales Fever" put a severe dent in that sort of reckless waste of time and energy,an hour above Grassington and we were often homeward bound under the weight of the bunny bounty.I hit the same spot last winter for a little trip back down memory lane,an hour later i had 3 runs and 2 in the bag,the tinge of sadness on how the land had declined was made easier with the lightness of the bag on the trip back to the motor.I can still remember sweating our way back through Grass woods, on a bitterly cold winters night,tripping and stumbling in the darkness,huffing and panting all the way to the secreted motor and the relief when the bag was finally put on the ground.

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Only numbers that bother me at moment is the 201,000 miles I've done in my Van... I need a dual fuel tank truck like one of the lucky chaps I know.


I would like to think my laid back influence has slowed Tomo's obsession with numbers...I remember 1st few times out with him,He used to scare me when the dog or I missed a rabbit...he'd be growling and scowling " Huh ya fekkin useless fekker that's another £2 lost ".

We would be longnetting and purse netting every warren meticulously and trying to catch as many as poss at every opportunity day or night etc etc..


Tomorrow we will be ferreting with the dogs and no Nets. . . This beats any numbers game for me. . . the pure thrill of watching the dogs scenting up in the sedge grass and catching a few running about on top,then marking up a warren is like poetry in motion. Then for the dog to have the pleasure of catching and retrieving his prey is the final reward for me. These type of hunting trips make it all worthwhile for me..sometime catching 1 or 2 and really having to work hard to find them etc etc and then sometimes you get a good day and they start adding up.


If I lived in a place that had all game in abundance and I could do out and do big numbers if i wanted to anytime i liked... I wouldn't ... i would just tick over nice and steady taking little and often. ;)


But like said sometimes when you have driven 100 miles or more to get there you want to at least try and make your fuel expenses back if poss.

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Only numbers that bother me at moment is the 201,000 miles I've done in my Van...

tut...That's barely run in. :tongue2: ........ Mines not too far away from a quarter of a million miles..... :D but I'm seriously considering getting rid of it soon as there's some dreadful noises. The funny thing is though, they all vanish if you turn the radio up! :laugh:

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Only numbers that bother me at moment is the 201,000 miles I've done in my Van...

tut...That's barely run in. :tongue2: ........ Mines not too far away from a quarter of a million miles..... :D but I'm seriously considering getting rid of it soon as there's some dreadful noises. The funny thing is though, they all vanish if you turn the radio up! :laugh:

My previous two motors had 248k on and 438k haha..done a few miles going in pursuit ")

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