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Recommend A Good Book?


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I find it strange when I see posts saying " buy a good book " because the Internet contains far more information than any book ever could. To be honest it amazes me that books and magazines are still produced. The Facebook pages in one day will show more accounts of hunting with Hawks with pictures and video than all the falconry books put together. Nothing seems to happen on the IFF but the threads are still there regarding how to build mews, where to place perches etc, etc, etc. No book I've read tells the newcomer how to realistically handle a squirrel that's biting your hawk up and the injury and treatment sections are usually a bit vague.

Where to find quarry and how to serve it up for a harris hawk is the same for any hunting so online ferreting and gundog sites for example are better than any falconry book can hope to be in that respect.

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I find it strange when I see posts saying " buy a good book " because the Internet contains far more information than any book ever could.   The problem with the internet is there is so much garbage

I'd second that, plus anything by Martin Hollinshead are good reads...

Holinshead "the complete rabbit and hare hawk"

I find it strange when I see posts saying " buy a good book " because the Internet contains far more information than any book ever could.


The problem with the internet is there is so much garbage as well as good information posted and it might be hard for a beginner to know the difference.

Books are good sources....sorry SOME books are good sources of information, BUT you can't beat getting first hand information from an experienced and knowledgeable falconer.

Its a shame we don't have an apprenticeship scheme like they have in USA.

One book I would recommend is Falconry and Hawking by Phillip Glasier.


Just my opinion mate



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  On 05/01/2015 at 09:51, pointer said:

I find it strange when I see posts saying " buy a good book " because the Internet contains far more information than any book ever could. To be honest it amazes me that books and magazines are still produced. The Facebook pages in one day will show more accounts of hunting with Hawks with pictures and video than all the falconry books put together. Nothing seems to happen on the IFF but the threads are still there regarding how to build mews, where to place perches etc, etc, etc. No book I've read tells the newcomer how to realistically handle a squirrel that's biting your hawk up and the injury and treatment sections are usually a bit vague.

Where to find quarry and how to serve it up for a harris hawk is the same for any hunting so online ferreting and gundog sites for example are better than any falconry book can hope to be in that respect.

Some very valid points there, vagueness can be a problem in books for newcomers, I certainly found that to be the case....., but speaking as a FaceBook phobic :-)......I think it would be a very sad day, when instead of recommending a decent book to a potential new falconer, you direct them to FaceBook! :-(......but hey, I still like record shops, so maybe I'm not the best to ask....lol

Like you said the Nick Fox book is very informative & well worth having...... I struggled to find really informative reading on Goshawks, strangely only vague references to them in some of the old classics, I even struggled online, until I read the Mike McDermott book & the Perkins book, Understanding Goshawks.......I got more from them than anything I'd found online tbh...I know progress is a good thing, but I do hope decent books continue to get produced, it would be a great shame if they just became history.

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To be honest I thought Facebook was for divvies to post hourly reports about what they were eating etc lol but when the hunting forums died I was told to take a look on the Facebook forums. I didn't even know it had forums but some of them are simply superb. It would be impossible to keep up with what everyone is doing but some lads are out there flying all sorts of birds of prey and getting stuff done. No theory, no big talk or bragging just keen people out hunting as it should be.

Some of the videos I've seen posted on there of Harris Hawks opened my eyes to the possibilities of what they can do like no book ever did.

A big part of me hates the idea of buying books or DVDs, the Internet should provide the same information for free. That goes for any hobby. Yes there's lots of rubbish on the Internet but it's easy to wade through that and get to the good stuff. If someone's putting up weekly video of Hawks or whatever out hunting and seems to be doing well at it then I feel confident I could send such a person a message asking for advice. As for goshawks it's worth watching the regular videos that the Dalemews lad puts up with his gosses and Viszlas. I'd say his videos alone are worth the money I pay every month for Broadband. Such stuff is uploaded daily and it's quality footage that put onto DVD in the past would have cost £25 or more to buy.


I unashamedly love the Internet, it has helped me out immensely over the past decade to find enough work for my dogs and it's those contacts that are now sorting me out good land to fly my hawk on.

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  On 05/01/2015 at 13:35, pointer said:

To be honest I thought Facebook was for divvies to post hourly reports about what they were eating etc lol but when the hunting forums died I was told to take a look on the Facebook forums. I didn't even know it had forums but some of them are simply superb. It would be impossible to keep up with what everyone is doing but some lads are out there flying all sorts of birds of prey and getting stuff done. No theory, no big talk or bragging just keen people out hunting as it should be.

Some of the videos I've seen posted on there of Harris Hawks opened my eyes to the possibilities of what they can do like no book ever did.

A big part of me hates the idea of buying books or DVDs, the Internet should provide the same information for free. That goes for any hobby. Yes there's lots of rubbish on the Internet but it's easy to wade through that and get to the good stuff. If someone's putting up weekly video of Hawks or whatever out hunting and seems to be doing well at it then I feel confident I could send such a person a message asking for advice. As for goshawks it's worth watching the regular videos that the Dalemews lad puts up with his gosses and Viszlas. I'd say his videos alone are worth the money I pay every month for Broadband. Such stuff is uploaded daily and it's quality footage that put onto DVD in the past would have cost £25 or more to buy.

I unashamedly love the Internet, it has helped me out immensely over the past decade to find enough work for my dogs and it's those contacts that are now sorting me out good land to fly my hawk on.

I've seen all the Dalemews stuff, many times :-)......I always feel a little bit envious about where they fly their birds & I like the fact they stick with the parent reared birds.....& the dog work is quality

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Yeah it's real quality footage and they obviously have good Hawks and dogs. I hunt over similar land but we no longer get the number of rabbits they are finding. Parts of Yorkshire clearly still have good numbers. He's been putting more clips up over the last few weeks, they do a lot of hunting. Good for them and the bloke is always ready to answer questions or give advice.

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I'll check that out, haven't looked for a good while........my only little critique of some of their vids, is when they ferret, they stand too close to the warrens.....which are of often way out in the open, I'd be more inclined to seek more testing flights than the big numbers!

Do love the dog work though :-)

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Yeah a lot of those rabbits stand little chance of escaping with those fast gosses behind them, I stand further back with my slow harris lol.

Mind I don't have a problem with it, they have the numbers to go at and with any type of hunting I've done with quantity inevitably comes enough quality. It's the law of averages.

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  On 05/01/2015 at 17:40, youcanthide...BANG said:

Ye the dalemews videos are quality but I can't help but think how easy it is for them. They rarely clear the set before they are caught

Yeh I had the same problem, I honestly had to start standing further away with mine on certain warrens, it just became too easy for him......

Edited by Accip74
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