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Coursing "ammo"

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How many dogs do you have in your kennels for the one job?


I've got 1 and struggle to give him enough graft to get the very best out of him. Keep seeing coursing lads pictures of their pack or "ammo" and wonder how one man can work 5 or 6 dogs to even a fraction of their full potential. This topic aint me bitching at all, as im always tempted for something new hoping it'll make something special. But then i always think 'whats the point when i cant find time to get my 1 dog out twice a week'. Until i can do that i cant see how having another dog would benefit me, it'd just take away from the dog ive already got?

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Some people work there dogs around there lifestyle.   But for some there dogs are there lifestyles

I have 10 all together in my kennels 4 sheep dogs a lurcher 4 terriers and a gundog. If I could put as much time into my lurcher and terriers as my sheepdogs there wouldn't be much time left in the we

If I had a few thousand acres of prime permission I'd bring a couple on... But its hard enough ducking and diving to get enough runs for one dog...

They don't have a job like you or they don't have a job at all or they just able too make more time too what they love doing than you can now at one point in my life like 2 years ago I had 4 dogs 2 lurchers a terrier and a gun dog now a normal week for me would of been Monday walk all up the woods every day 2/3/4 miles home later on so that night go lamping 3/4 hours home tue nothing but walk them when I say walk it's more of a mooch let all run loose and hunt up then wed same again nothing then thur normal walk then lamp 3/4 hours fri nothing normal walk then pub saturday shoot all day taking terrier and gun dog then pub Sunday go digging with terriers take a lurcher with me then pub then lamp 2/3 hours depending on how pished if it' was a good night stayed in pub all night no lamping and then on opposite weekends I would be working so would prob lamp Saturday night then dig with terriers on sunday now with doing all that I worked 6 hours in the morning another 5/6 hours at night milking cows that was every day for 12 days then 2 off I would do that from end of August till February but so its not about how many dogs you've got its about how much time of your life you want too dedicate too your hobbies or there could be an easier way of saying it two veterans/retired two you have alrdy running and 2 pups coming on varying if pups make the grade or if your runners die doing what they love or they just like having a lot of dogs who knows every man is different

Edited by BIGLURKS
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somemaybe have only one two three working rest pups or retired dogs , if your out a lot injuries and dogs needeing rested between good days out ,alot are looking for the best dog so will go through alot to get a right decent worker courser ,then there them who peddle them like a xmas turkey ,or sell there cast offs to other guys ,


since the coursing clubs started and more people traveling for dogs more were sold further away hence the reason they keep breeding ,alot are not genuine dog men just init for cash and abit sport ,,dogs meen wonga for some ,just the way things have went , i meanlook at some of the guys dogs now theyll not slip unless hares are at there feet , or everything perfect when the legal coursing clubd were about they gave hare law , the internet has made heroes of some men

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I have 10 all together in my kennels 4 sheep dogs a lurcher 4 terriers and a gundog. If I could put as much time into my lurcher and terriers as my sheepdogs there wouldn't be much time left in the week as my sheepdogs are worked everyday as that's how I make a living. I still get out with the lurcher every other night and ferret nearly every weekend if not to busy with work.


Terriers do a bit as and when possible. A few years ago could get out as much as I wanted but as time goes on I have a lot more commients. It's hard work keeping all these dogs in shape and up to a standard but it's a obsession more than a passion. The super hunters on here might not rate my dogs but they keep me happy and that's all that matters is it not. Atb.

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I understand having a big pack of dogs for different jobs, or even dogs that work together in packs. I've got 3 dogs myself but 2 of them are lamping dogs, can always find a few hours a week to go lamping, Just don't understand how anyone could bring on 2 or 3 coursing pups whilst keeping on top of 3 or 4 other coursing dogs. Spose it's easy if you dont work or even if you work nights and lived where theres plenty to go at......

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  On 04/01/2015 at 05:53, nothernlite said:

Think you sound jealous corrider think you want to be like them don't you ?

Well not really cos i dont believe many of them would have anything worth having, that's sort of my point. Apart from those lucky few that do really have a lifestyle that allows them to keep 6 dogs fit and put enough in front of each dog for long enough to see the dogs true potential, and yea i spose i would be jealous of that lifestyle if i could still pay the bills. But apart from those lucky few, would it not make more sense to put all their efforts in to 1 or 2 dogs?

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  On 04/01/2015 at 14:21, crorider said:


  On 04/01/2015 at 05:53, nothernlite said:

Think you sound jealous corrider think you want to be like them don't you ?

Well not really cos i dont believe many of them would have anything worth having, that's sort of my point. Apart from those lucky few that do really have a lifestyle that allows them to keep 6 dogs fit and put enough in front of each dog for long enough to see the dogs true potential, and yea i spose i would be jealous of that lifestyle if i could still pay the bills. But apart from those lucky few, would it not make more sense to put all their efforts in to 1 or 2 dogs?



I use to have 3 dogs and also founf getting the work for them hard. I think also putting the work into one dog and concentrating on just the one, seems to work better them having a few, as they all dong get the attention. Do you also find this corider ? I have no dog at the moment, have a pup coming to me soon, so will put all the work into that, would you think that is better, as before i had a great wee bitch that brought them on, but she got killed last year.

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  On 04/01/2015 at 15:14, Saluki246 said:


  On 04/01/2015 at 14:21, crorider said:


  On 04/01/2015 at 05:53, nothernlite said:

Think you sound jealous corrider think you want to be like them don't you ?

Well not really cos i dont believe many of them would have anything worth having, that's sort of my point. Apart from those lucky few that do really have a lifestyle that allows them to keep 6 dogs fit and put enough in front of each dog for long enough to see the dogs true potential, and yea i spose i would be jealous of that lifestyle if i could still pay the bills. But apart from those lucky few, would it not make more sense to put all their efforts in to 1 or 2 dogs?



I use to have 3 dogs and also founf getting the work for them hard. I think also putting the work into one dog and concentrating on just the one, seems to work better them having a few, as they all dong get the attention. Do you also find this corider ? I have no dog at the moment, have a pup coming to me soon, so will put all the work into that, would you think that is better, as before i had a great wee bitch that brought them on, but she got killed last year.


Well just judging by my coursing dog and how much he seems to improve with every day out, i'd say if i had another dog he'd be half the dog he is now. But if i didnt have bills to pay and lived on the fens then i spose i could manage to bring a couple on. I just wonder when you know your dogs limits and when its hit its peak. I spose when you have a load of them you have to try and pick the dog with most potential to put most effort into and move the ones with less potential on... But how can you judge a dogs potential without putting all your efforts into for a decent amount of time??

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It is nice to have a couple of dogs incase of injuries, however ive just got 2 pups about 2 week ago an i realise already ive made a mistake, never tried having 2 pups at same time and i can see its just not going to work. I like pups to be totally focused on me so reluctantly im going to move bitch on and concentrate on dog while there still only couple of months old. You live and learn i suppose, maybe in a couple of years ill get another

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  On 04/01/2015 at 15:33, crorider said:


  On 04/01/2015 at 15:14, Saluki246 said:


  On 04/01/2015 at 14:21, crorider said:


  On 04/01/2015 at 05:53, nothernlite said:

Think you sound jealous corrider think you want to be like them don't you ?

Well not really cos i dont believe many of them would have anything worth having, that's sort of my point. Apart from those lucky few that do really have a lifestyle that allows them to keep 6 dogs fit and put enough in front of each dog for long enough to see the dogs true potential, and yea i spose i would be jealous of that lifestyle if i could still pay the bills. But apart from those lucky few, would it not make more sense to put all their efforts in to 1 or 2 dogs?



I use to have 3 dogs and also founf getting the work for them hard. I think also putting the work into one dog and concentrating on just the one, seems to work better them having a few, as they all dong get the attention. Do you also find this corider ? I have no dog at the moment, have a pup coming to me soon, so will put all the work into that, would you think that is better, as before i had a great wee bitch that brought them on, but she got killed last year.


Well just judging by my coursing dog and how much he seems to improve with every day out, i'd say if i had another dog he'd be half the dog he is now. But if i didnt have bills to pay and lived on the fens then i spose i could manage to bring a couple on. I just wonder when you know your dogs limits and when its hit its peak. I spose when you have a load of them you have to try and pick the dog with most potential to put most effort into and move the ones with less potential on... But how can you judge a dogs potential without putting all your efforts into for a decent amount of time??



Makes scence alright. Looks like ill be going down that rute as well. A lot of coursing lads, get 2 or 3 pups, as they say their is a high faluire rate, but i sometimes wonder how much work they put into each pup? Not having a go here by the way, just my take on it. :thumbs: Im sure their is a lot of lads that do well with 2 or 3 pups at a time, but i have also found this difficult, especially when you take just the one out and the other screams the place down..lol

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