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Is "jock" A Racist Term ?

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Scottish police are investigating Katie Hopkins, (some idiot non-celebrity), for tweeting the word "Jock" about Scottish People, after receiving a number of complaints. Have we finally reached the point where the UK has gone mad ? I've ALLWAYS called Scots "Jock" and it was ALLWAYS meant and thought of as a friendly term. Surely the police have better things to do than respond to professionally outraged left wing idiots. Does this mean I can't call my Irish pals "Paddy" or my welsh mates "Taff" anymore ? Scouser, Geordie, Cockney, are they all racist words as well ?

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Scottish police are investigating Katie Hopkins, (some idiot non-celebrity), for tweeting the word "Jock" about Scottish People, after receiving a number of complaints. Have we finally reached the poi

Don't mind jock at all country gone mad soon as they took the gollywog of the jam jars we were fecked

It's fecking mental,,,,same as the word paki,,,just an abreveation

Unfortunately that's the way things are. "Professionally outraged" is a great term for it. :thumbs:


These numpties must scout newspapers, tv programs and social media in order to find something to be offended by. The most annoying thing is they most probably aren't even Jocks/Paddies/Taffs themselves, but assume these people would be offended.


My mrs is a Mick/Paddy/Bogtrotter/Culchie and she couldn't give a damn.

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Another thing they complained about was Hopkins using the term " Sweaty Jocks" , the idiot couldn't even get the rhyming slang right; its "Sweaty Socks"! Or maybe the more politically correct " Candy Rocks", perhaps even rhyming slang will now be banned as racist and TV shows like Minder and Only Fools And Horses will be banned, like Alf Garnett in Till Death Us Do Part !!!

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Ask a Spanish person the name for a paki and they will tell you a paki is a paki its not racist its a f****n abbreviation ffs. Whatever next Malt suing me for all the welsh/English banter we've had over the years?? The Taff cnut :laugh:

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f***ing fed up reading about it up here.....the amount of scottish folk bothered about being described as a jock or sweaty sock as she used is nothing short of embarrassing.

Get on with it ya daftys.....it's just a name. I reckon 10 years time there will be no comedians out there......they'll be scared to say anything.

Would rather see some mad glesga bird rap the nut on her rather than this public hounding shit!!

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  On 03/01/2015 at 10:55, walshie said:

Unfortunately that's the way things are. "Professionally outraged" is a great term for it. :thumbs:


These numpties must scout newspapers, tv programs and social media in order to find something to be offended by. The most annoying thing is they most probably aren't even Jocks/Paddies/Taffs themselves, but assume these people would be offended.


My mrs is a Mick/Paddy/Bogtrotter/Culchie and she couldn't give a damn.


Like that woman who complained to the police about Clarkson saying "slope" , she wasn't even a slope, she was a paki.....shit, I've just said two racist words on the Internet, I'll be expecting a visit from the Race Police !!!

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  On 03/01/2015 at 11:03, mushroom said:

Ask a Spanish person the name for a paki and they will tell you a paki is a paki its not racist its a f****n abbreviation ffs. Whatever next Malt suing me for all the welsh/English banter we've had over the years?? The Taff cnut :laugh:

I watched a thing on Jim Davidson the other night...good insight into his life. The shite that he has had to put up with because of his comedy style.

Constantly getting called racist he asked his chauffeur in Dubai who is a paki...."if I called you a Paki would you be offended??"

"No, I am a paki!"

"So what would offend you?"

"Call me an Indian!!"


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  On 03/01/2015 at 11:10, mushroom said:

I watched the first episode of only fools last night you would be amazed what used to be normal and taken for what it was... Tongue in cheek ;)

Boysie saying the baby was " as black as Newgates Knocker" ALLWAYS makes me laugh !

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