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Guilty or not he meet up with a bloke after he'd served time for child sex crimes. Can't be a bloke with any sort of morals because anyone i know done that they'd just become someone i know and not a friend. Meet up with em? Lol to give em a kick in maybe.

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Nothing Would Surprise Me Anymore . . Imagine If Say 20yrs Ago Someone Came Out Saying Saville , Max Clifford Stuart Hall Ect Where A Danger To Children They'd Off Been Persecuted & Shunned . Earl

Well it really sounds to me like she thought she was some high class hooker and now she thinks she can f**k people over!!!

being the duke of york, he said in his defence he didnt know her age untill he penetrated her . and when he was up ,he was up..!!

A bit more than just his pants down,underage sex with a minor,who claims she was forced to have sex with him on three seperate occasions including an orgy when she was lent to "friends" of multi millionaire Jeffry Eppstein. Eppstein being one of the most connected men in America until he was jailed in 2008 for soliciting girls for under age prostitution. Despite this conviction Andrew remained good friends with Eppstein and was seen with him in 2011 after he was released from jail. David Icke spot on again.

a complete load of bull crap .

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A bit more than just his pants down,underage sex with a minor,who claims she was forced to have sex with him on three seperate occasions including an orgy when she was lent to "friends" of multi millionaire Jeffry Eppstein. Eppstein being one of the most connected men in America until he was jailed in 2008 for soliciting girls for under age prostitution. Despite this conviction Andrew remained good friends with Eppstein and was seen with him in 2011 after he was released from jail. David Icke spot on again.


a complete load of bull crap .

A 'complete' load of bull crap? The guy Epstein has previous for interfering with young teenage girls. Prince Andrew was/is his friend. According to some reports the girl in question was employed as a 'massuese', and possibly from the age of 15? Really?


None of that makes the prince guilty of course, but I can't understand why so many on here have already dismissed her claims as lies. Is it because of who he is? You don't believe he's capable?


None so blind as those who will not see!

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A bit more than just his pants down,underage sex with a minor,who claims she was forced to have sex with him on three seperate occasions including an orgy when she was lent to "friends" of multi millionaire Jeffry Eppstein. Eppstein being one of the most connected men in America until he was jailed in 2008 for soliciting girls for under age prostitution. Despite this conviction Andrew remained good friends with Eppstein and was seen with him in 2011 after he was released from jail. David Icke spot on again.

a complete load of bull crap .

A 'complete' load of bull crap? The guy Epstein has previous for interfering with young teenage girls. Prince Andrew was/is his friend. According to some reports the girl in question was employed as a 'massuese', and possibly from the age of 15? Really?


None of that makes the prince guilty of course, but I can't understand why so many on here have already dismissed her claims as lies. Is it because of who he is? You don't believe he's capable?


None so blind as those who will not see!


and did you get this privy of andy himself ? or read it in the tabloids from some honourable journalist ? by the way the girl in question was a 17 yr old hooker .none so blind you say .i wouldnt be blind enough to not see through media bullshite either

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Brookie, evidently she was 15 when she was first groomed by Epstein. He was found guilty of procuring minors for prostitution and plea bargained and served a jail sentence for one of the charges, he settled the other cases out of court. These two girls were from poor backgrounds and were groomed into prostitution , heard something like this before? Oh Yeah, Rotherham. But the groomers there were paki b*****ds, not billionaires and princes, so it's obviously not the same, is it ? This story has been in the news for years, there are pictures of Andy with one of the girls on his knee in a club, there are pictures of him meeting Epstien when he got out of jail. If I found out one of my mates was a nonce, that would be it, I wouldn't go near him.

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Brookie, evidently she was 15 when she was first groomed by Epstein. He was found guilty of procuring minors for prostitution and plea bargained and served a jail sentence for one of the charges, he settled the other cases out of court. These two girls were from poor backgrounds and were groomed into prostitution , heard something like this before? Oh Yeah, Rotherham. But the groomers there were paki b*****ds, not billionaires and princes, so it's obviously not the same, is it ? This story has been in the news for years, there are pictures of Andy with one of the girls on his knee in a club, there are pictures of him meeting Epstien when he got out of jail. If I found out one of my mates was a nonce, that would be it, I wouldn't go near him.

so basically your calling him a nonce because some teenager sat on his knee whilst she had some one lurking in the background ready to pounce with a camera . :laugh: heads of state used to be photographed with idi amin and pol pot but that doesnt make em guilty of genocide does it ?.nothing other than media hyped hysteria .

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Brookie, evidently she was 15 when she was first groomed by Epstein. He was found guilty of procuring minors for prostitution and plea bargained and served a jail sentence for one of the charges, he settled the other cases out of court. These two girls were from poor backgrounds and were groomed into prostitution , heard something like this before? Oh Yeah, Rotherham. But the groomers there were paki b*****ds, not billionaires and princes, so it's obviously not the same, is it ? This story has been in the news for years, there are pictures of Andy with one of the girls on his knee in a club, there are pictures of him meeting Epstien when he got out of jail. If I found out one of my mates was a nonce, that would be it, I wouldn't go near him.


so basically your calling him a nonce because some teenager sat on his knee whilst she had some one lurking in the background ready to pounce with a camera . :laugh: heads of state used to be photographed with idi amin and pol pot but that doesnt make em guilty of genocide does it ?.nothing other than media hyped hysteria .

No, I called his mate Epstien a nonce, a proven guilty, convicted ex prisoner nonce. Andy STILL remained freinds with him after he got out of jail. The rich and powerful are the worst, they think they have the right to do anything they like, and if they are caught it will be covered up or bought off. Is it doing the Royal family any good being associated in ANY way with this guy ?

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Brookie while i agree its the worst thing to be accused off and should wait until its gone to court. Would you remain friends with someone who is a convicted sex case? Surely noone would its the lowest of the low. Also how many think if it went to court itll be a fair trial? Already seems our justice system has different rules depending on your wealth and connections. Say it so many times that its just crazy to me how many people in high places seem to be linked with child abuse.

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A 'complete' load of bull crap? The guy Epstein has previous for interfering with young teenage girls. Prince Andrew was/is his friend. According to some reports the girl in question was employed as a 'massuese', and possibly from the age of 15? Really?


None of that makes the prince guilty of course, but I can't understand why so many on here have already dismissed her claims as lies. Is it because of who he is? You don't believe he's capable?


None so blind as those who will not see!


and did you get this privy of andy himself ? or read it in the tabloids from some honourable journalist ? by the way the girl in question was a 17 yr old hooker .none so blind you say .i wouldnt be blind enough to not see through media bullshite either



Probably don't have any more facts or information than you do and like I said the prince is guilty of nothing until it's proven. By the way isn't a '17 year old hooker' is a bit of a contradiction in terms. If you're not old enough to engage in the act, then you're hardly old enough to sell it to 40 something year old man. Any sexual relationship with a 'minor' involving an adult, the onus of responsibilty lies with the adult.


nothing other than media hyped hysteria .


From what I can see the far from 'hyping' this story, the media are treading very carefully. In fact, if anything, they appear to be giving those accused a bit of a platform from which to deride this woman's claims. What the fcuk happened to the 'victim's' rights here?


Like I've said the prince and this Dershowitz haven't been found guilty of anything..., and I doubt that they ever will. But that doesn't convince me that young & underage girls (and who knows how many other as yet unknown 'Jane Doe's' there are), have been exploited here, and that the son of our monarch was involved in some way.


Maybe for some people the grooming of kids isn't nearly as bad if it's done by someone they feel they should respect because of the position they're in? And maybe that's why so many people in entertainment, politics, the clergy etc. have got away with it for so long.

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Brookie the info came from Websites and Journalists who got there info from the Court proceedings/papers ( legal documents) that are currently going on pertaining to a child sex ring that was operating,do you honestly believe that they would just make this up for a story ? None of this proves Andy guilty of course ! But why would anybody knowingly go about with a convicted child sex offender upon his release from prison ? So tell me what you know about this case if all of this is complete bullcrap as you say ?

Edited by MickC
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