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Moving On To Retrieving Cold Game

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I am 17 and attempting to train my first dog to the gun. He's a 7 and a half month old black labrador and training is going fine so I thought I'd move on to getting him to retrieve real game. I starts off by taping dried pheasant wings and tail feathers to dummies which were absolutely fine so I moved on to a hen pheasant. He was more interested in smelling it when sent to retrieve it. He did attempt to pick it up and carried it just over a metre but then dropped it and lost interest. I'm stumped as to where to go from here. Do I keep persisting with the pheasant or leave it a while? Or maybe it was too heavy and I should use a partridge instead. If anyone could help me or give me any tips that would be much appreciated.

Many thanks, Jamie

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Keep on with the wings build his confidence try different distances places then I always start my dogs on cold magpies, light colourfully and not a big mouth full new dogs will not want to retrieve large birds to start with some will straight away but I find building them up slowly is the best


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Pretty much agree with Kev, if he's picking dummy with wings and stuff I don't think it will be an issue, some dogs run out and pick it straight up and some dont they just mess with it, being only 7 1/2 months it's no concern probably just exited him

And unsure really what to do with it. Carry on with the dummy's for a bit then try him again.

Maybe introduce him to other objects to retreive so that he will almost pick anything up, rolled up socks, teddys, anything really. But he's still very young so no need panick yet, don't pressure him because that can make a simple problem a

Real issue.

Not sure if you tried it but put an elastic band round it so it stays a tight bundle when he lifts it!

I'm no expert mate just a couple of things to think about, hope it helps!

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Thank you both for the advice. The easiest other birds I can use are pigeons but I know you shouldn't use these due to their loose plumage but I could put them inside socks or stockings. The only reason I tried moving onto cold game this early is to get him used to picking up different things so I will try with a variety of objects. But as you said the last thing I want to be doing is pressuring him.

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Seven and a half months is young, and I wouldn't push things too hard or worry about it. As has been suggested smaller tighter feathered birds may be a better prospect. Never considered a Magpie, but they would fit the bill quite well. Best of luck.

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