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Mirror Poll

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Done...three times, not that it'll make the slightest bit of difference anyway. This poll is completely meaningless. You can't write an emotively charged and blatantly anti-hunting article and then end it with a Yes/No question like that and expect anyone to take the result seriously. I've no idea what Prince Willie said, but I don't think that partridge shooting or boar hunting is comparable to the problem with the relentless pursuit of the Chinese of rhinos for their horns, or tigers for their bones etc. for 'medicinal' purposes and in doing so taking some of the world's most incredible species to the brink of extinction. Not exactly apples with apples is it???


People who hunt are de facto some of the world's best conservationists and are usually the first to notice and take action if the numbers of their quarry of choice appear to be becoming unsustainable. Look at salmon fishing. Even the humble ferreter..., he might be carrying out 'pest control' but truth be known he's more than happy if the 'pest problem' is kept in some kind of balance and his sport can continue.


Not the first time the Mirror has had a pop at the royals for hunting, or the first anti-hunting article written by Brian Reade either. I wouldn't be getting too worried about this kind of crap, any 'neutral' with even a modicum of intelligence could see the inconsistency and bias in this report, and so called 'poll'.


Anyhoo, I'll be off out in an hour or two with the dog and the lamp, new bit of ground I've recently got and it is moving with rabbits. Even though it's a pretty filthy night I'm expecting to do well. Every time I legally wring the neck of a rabbit tonight I'll dedicate it to Brian Reade..., might even motivate me to walk that extra mile and bag a few more. Thanks Bri :thumbs:

Edited by pesky1972
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done :thumbs: bloody hell 56% to stop it 44% for it, we fooked with hunting today either with , rod, gun, dog , I think we will be just in history books by the look of job public :cray:

Think your right thier bird.

If they banned all hunting and fishing it would be a nightmare for the authorities to control/police.

I'm sure landowners would have poaching by arrangement.

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