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Collie Greyhound Pictures ...

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1/2 beardie

Couple of pictures of mine taken this morning...bitch about 15 months. Probably about 1/4 collie and I'd expect getting on for about 1/2 grey (cg x 'lurcher').    

5/8 3/8 dog about 12 month in the picture.

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I think too many people don't give the greyhound anoth credit in this breed as without it a collie would be no good to the general hunting as in a greyhound is

id rather own a full collie than a full greyhound for hunting ...

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A collie may have all that, but without the initial speed, you ain't gunna catch much

Sorry but I disagree, I have one and not the first either which is over half collie and the remainder just lurcher blood with very little greyhound in there infact nothing worth mentioning at all and my dog/s have put alot of gear to bed,if I had to breed another collie cross for myself id always prefer to use a coursing bred type instead of a greyhound., what does a greyhound have to offer that a proven,hard worked quick lurcher doesn't? Mmmmmmm? Nothing at all haha

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I've had a ex track dog that put plenty in the bag as well, fair enough nowadays with rabbits and rats being the only legal quarry, but when hare coursing was legal, there ain't many dogs, if any, that where any good unless they where half sighthound

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Yeah, I get you Gamerooster, obviously if a dog can't catch it first it ain't much use to any of us haha..as ive said before on here a greyhound in the main gets ran on a sand track which is rolled and runs only in anti clockwise direction, ain't really blessed with stamina,brains,have poor jackets,thin skinned,injury prone,poor feet so apart from their keen eyesight and raw speed they really ain't too much to offer in my opinion? Like you say maybe for coursing it was more of a necessity to have Grey blood but these days things are a little different unfortunately :-(

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A collie may have all that, but without the initial speed, you ain't gunna catch much

Got to find it first. But then thats the difference between hunting and coursing


yeh maybe daytime stuff, a colliex be it ferreting, mooching, three brain, agilty, good coat+ feet and abovethere nose to find stuff, yeh there prob the best out there . But regards night work (lamping) there loads of lurchers out with oddly any collie in threr make up , doing great job :yes: . just look at them dogs that getting big bags of rabbits on here , the not over collie in the make up. And as lamping very popular sport in lurcher game , that's got to tell you something :yes: get any lurcher x to use it nose , I had a bitch lurcher to lurcher bred prob about 90 % grey+ whippet, rest collie was brill as good as Bryn my 1x collie in the day and prob better at night, and he knocked fair few over in 7 years :yes: I ve had colliexs long while and still got one, but I am not blind by them .!!

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No offence meant fuji, but most of the things you have listed is utter cods wallop, it's the same things that get associated with the whippet, yet these little dogs take some beating..... Most greyhounds are associated with being dumb, but wouldn't you be if you where locked in a kennel most of the day, with only one job required of you??? And have to disagree with poor feet, this is the fastest breed of dog on the planet, what use would they be with poor feet? And as for poor stamina, the money is in four bend racing, 480 metres in the uk, or 525 yards in Ireland, so dogs aren't selectively bred to have stamina, yet don't forget there is marathon dogs and coursing dogs..... and there no thinner skinned than whippets or salukis

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I've been around & had Collie all my life. When I had my last put to sleep, about 3 years ago I said he be the last Collie/Greyhound I have. I did want to try the Kelpie x ago, but that didn't turn out. Because now ive have what I call my ideal little Rabbiting dog & that is my Collie/Whippet bitch. I'm not saying this type suits everybody, they suit me. & im keep this type for now on.



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