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Barrel Cleaning And Accuracy?

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I have a .243 which since owning I have shot about 30 shots with, when I first got it I put 10 shots through it to zero then cleaned it thoroughly with pads and barrel spray until it was clean then another 10 before cleaning it thoroughly again. After that it was cleaned and put away until I shot a deer then it was cleaned after the 1 shot. I went out today stalking but ended up putting 6 shots through it on to paper, I noticed that the first shot was 2-3" high then the other 5 were really good grouping.


I have heard that cleaning the barrel can affect accuracy, is it possible that the first shot was off as it went through a very clean barrel compared to the rest? and if so is there a way a round it as I take my rifle out to shoot a deer then its put away for a few months until I want another.



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The same happens with my .22 Hornet. After cleaning it takes about four rounds to settle in. If I know when I'm going to go out with it after cleaning I shoot a few rounds and either leave it or just run a dry patch through it. I believe the modern powders are non corrosive so it shouldn't do it any harm leaving it overnight. I do remove the moderator though.

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Always set your rifle up on a clean barrel, clean it and let it cool after every shot when zeroing, this is ok when only shooting the odd deer, but if you are doing large amounts it's better left, and set up dirty, then cleaned every month or so, some people clean them at the end of the season,then fire a shot day before going, it's a real controversial topic, I was brought up to clean the gun when I got home, before putting it away, and that has stuck with me,

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thanks for the replys, Im not sure what to do with mine as I now only get it out for one shot for a deer but if that first shot is going to be off zero then its not going to be great to be taking a shot at a deer with. Perhaps I will leave it dirty for the next couple of weeks as I know its now accurate untill I shoot a deer then clean it before storing it for a couple of months and just put 3-4 shots through before I take it out again to make sure, good practise i guess anyway to check its all accurate before taking a shot on a deer.


Im using Sako rounds which I believe to be good quality, I did try Privi ones which definately did corrode in the silencer after leaving it for a very short period.

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Yes, it's called a fouling round. It "fouls" the barrel by depositing lead and/or copper and/or GSR in the grooves and on the lands, and basically takes the bore diameter and rifling back to the state they were in when you zeroed it.


I clean my .22LR when the ejected cases start to pull chunks of carbon out with them -- after 250 rounds or so. The rifle then needs a few rounds through it to restore POI after cleaning. I then leave it until it needs cleaning again after another 250 rounds. The barrel has never shown any signs of corrosion, since it's coated by the layer of lead/GSR.

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