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Driving Fields, Leaving Gates Open!!!!!!!!!!!! Twats!!!!!

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c**ts Had a spell my way a couple of months back gates rammed sheep killed was one the next time was car rammed of road and a four trak left parked on a cow which had to be shot

Driving fields is one thing but this was just way beyond that

Now the area is hot as f**k and I mean hot and f****d !!

Edited by courseadog
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The landowner has no option but to call the police and only an idiot would think otherwise, to call him a grass is bullshine. Let's put it in perspective , they have the upper hand they know where he

Just been speaking to the local keeper who wasn't too happy and who can blame him. He had someone driving the land on the estate lamping. Going through electric fences and leaving gates open. Dogs run

This is nothing new sadly. .Although imo driving the fields does throw more work at the dogs. Saying that there is no excuse for causing damage to gates/fences/hedges. Or not disposing of the said qua

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  On 29/12/2014 at 17:59, logan said:


  On 29/12/2014 at 12:49, Sorefoot said:

Just been speaking to the local keeper who wasn't too happy and who can blame him. He had someone driving the land on the estate lamping. Going through electric fences and leaving gates open. Dogs running free killing gear and leaving it lying around. Well who ever drives this red Isuzu thanks very much. Farmers and police are every where looking for anyone out with a dogs. These idiots are not dog men. They have no respect for the countryside or those that live in it. No respect for their dogs or the quarry. complete tossers!!!!!!

8 foot scaffolding board with a shit load of nails bashed trough sharp sorts them out sooner or later you will get one .


yes but you damage there truck the farmer will get it in bucket loads i know lads like it wouldn't think twice of sticking the farmer in there car take him to moors give him a kikin the leave him for doing sutch things the best option is the police

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  On 29/12/2014 at 18:15, All-terrain said:


  On 29/12/2014 at 18:09, the gafer said:


  On 29/12/2014 at 17:59, logan said:


  On 29/12/2014 at 12:49, Sorefoot said:

Just been speaking to the local keeper who wasn't too happy and who can blame him. He had someone driving the land on the estate lamping. Going through electric fences and leaving gates open. Dogs running free killing gear and leaving it lying around. Well who ever drives this red Isuzu thanks very much. Farmers and police are every where looking for anyone out with a dogs. These idiots are not dog men. They have no respect for the countryside or those that live in it. No respect for their dogs or the quarry. complete tossers!!!!!!

8 foot scaffolding board with a shit load of nails bashed trough sharp sorts them out sooner or later you will get one .
yes but you damage there truck the farmer will get it in bucket loads i know lads like it wouldn't think twice of sticking the farmer in there car take him to moors give him a kikin the leave him for doing sutch things the best option is the police



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hows that grassing .if i was to drive my v8 over these c...s gardens at 2am see them react then,thats if they own one.these people aint lurchermen,thier a pest.im no farmer lover infact i dislike em,but respect to peoples property is important to me.weve had the same on our ground,barb wire cut so they can just walk in,gates left open cows nearly causeing a major crash on main rd,crops turned over,.no wonder landowners hhate lurchers

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We got nobs doing it round our way lately, got pulled over the other night coz these idiots been trashing farm land and thieving stuff, cops were giving us a real hard time pulled the car apart (looking for a pin I think the way they went through it) luckily all in order an off we went! This type of lamping is fine if that's how you wanna do it but personally I like to get off my ass and walk the land these tossers are poaching and got no respect for land, belongings or quarry!

Is no wonder no one wants to let lurchermen on there land at night, and in my opinion it's cocks like this that ruined terrier work and they will do the same to lurchers!

As regards confronting them as someone stated, it would take a brave man or a complete fool to confront a car

Full of blokes with obviously no regard for fk all, is only one way that's goig to turn out!

My rant over, atb.

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yes i agree to a degree.but would you phone the police if a burglar was in your kids bedroom at nigt.or your elderly parents were getting someone in thier garden late one night.i know its difficult to grass on hunters but when theres no help what to do

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  On 29/12/2014 at 18:54, Qbgrey said:

yes i agree to a degree.but would you phone the police if a burglar was in your kids bedroom at nigt.or your elderly parents were getting someone in thier garden late one night.i know its difficult to grass on hunters but when theres no help what to do

The landowner has no option but to call the police and only an idiot would think otherwise, to call him a grass is bullshine.

Let's put it in perspective , they have the upper hand they know where he lives! Anything he does to them will get repayed

With slashed tyres, windows put in, cattle let out, I could go on and on! He probably has a family to think about!

They are fkn assholes plain an simple!!!!

We've all mooched where we shouldn't ect but this is totally different, and doesn't belong in the lurcher world.

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  On 29/12/2014 at 19:15, Thrush said:


  On 29/12/2014 at 18:54, Qbgrey said:

yes i agree to a degree.but would you phone the police if a burglar was in your kids bedroom at nigt.or your elderly parents were getting someone in thier garden late one night.i know its difficult to grass on hunters but when theres no help what to do

The landowner has no option but to call the police and only an idiot would think otherwise, to call him a grass is bullshine.

Let's put it in perspective , they have the upper hand they know where he lives! Anything he does to them will get repayed

With slashed tyres, windows put in, cattle let out, I could go on and on! He probably has a family to think about!

They are fkn assholes plain an simple!!!!

We've all mooched where we shouldn't ect but this is totally different, and doesn't belong in the lurcher world.


And let's not forget leaving the game behind, seems to me a lot of folk out there have forgotten the definition of owning a lurcher.

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