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Variation For A Foxing Riffle

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I have to say I still get surprised with the knock Down power and accuracy of the .22-250

Out of curiosity, do you actually need to shoot out to 300 very often?   On the foxes I tend to find it is only the odd opportunist shot I have to take anything much past 200 yards, the vast majorit

A hornet is a bloody good fox round, mine (a cz 527) would group a ragged one hole group with homeloads, and that is the key to the hornet, however get yourself a .222 and you will have one of the mos

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Only trouble with .17 Rem is the availability and price.


Very difficult to source and the only place I found selling factory ammo wanted £41 per 20 or more than £2 per shot!!!




Personally, unless you're going to reload, .17 Hornet might still be a better option. Still not the easiest to get hold of, but £22 per 50! around 50p per shot.



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.17 rem factory ammo is not that hard to get, and at a decent price, but if I had one I would 100% reload for it, you dont see that many come up for sale, for one simple reason, they are very very good, and people tend to hang on to them, there are two on guntrader at present, one at £450, one at £795, both Remingtons, but a ring round some gunshops, will reveal one or two, as said be careful to buy one with a good barrel, insist on it being bore scoped before purchase, and factor in some simple reloading equipment, and away you go.

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I would definitely be reloading. Some of the newer factory ammo is good, but in my experience you cannot beat knowing exactly is down your barrel and how it will perform.


I made a few calls today re moving on the HMR, so the ball is well and truly rolling. I'll keep you guys updated over the coming weeks with my progress. Thanks again for all the advice.



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