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Simon Whitehead's Christmas Offering :)

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Bob Merrin used to be the net maker in our Countryside marquee, and also gave displays of setting his own made mole traps, to the public.

He was one of the nicest blokes i ever met. If he sold nets, he gave the money to a charity.

It was an honour to know him.

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And here it is,...... Simons most recent film, This one will be of interest to all the mole men out there as it features a face that's familiar to most..... Keep your eyes peeled for the next episo

So I take it you'll all be interested in simons next short film,...... The next one also features Bob, this time he demonstrates how to make a mole trap from start to finish....should make interestin

Bob is a nice guy,...he made me a beautiful Hemp Long Net...   I sent him up, a bumper bundle of old vermin traps (girt great box full,..I could hardly lift the fecker ).. He does a few charity sh

  On 13/01/2015 at 21:48, heritage said:

So just so you are all aware your viewing pleasure has been ruined & all future films jeopardised by 1 low life individual,.....


Ohhhh, and as I know just how much thl members like folk to name and shame I will....


What a surprise

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I'm not mole catcher so there's very little I can say on the subject but Jeff is a right royal pain is the ass to those who earn there living catching moles,

He sees himself as some form of authority on the subject and not only is he trying to implement new and unneccecary laws he's using the likes of the rspca to do his dirty work for him,.....

I'm sure there are others on this forum who can comment further on Jeff and there own experiences with him.

There were several complaints made about the film & it's content, these were insignificant points but Simon and those who chose to share the films have been forced to withdraw them while an investigation is made and all legal matters clarified.......

Either way you look at it, this man has cast dispersion on both Bob & his mole trapping skills,

It has also made simon withdraw films that took a lot of time, money & effort to produce.

There are several other films that are on hold as well as a ful length dvd...

This is because people are becoming scared to touch any product that may cast dispersions on either themselbed or there brand.


Thanks Geoff

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What a right royal Twat but there again he always was, Hes Ruined it for us all and Poor Bob he will be Right Gutted, I was really looking forward to watching him making the plastic mole traps in the next film film, Heratige Does this also mean the Shooting Times will pull the article as well ? I hope not as that will piss mr Nichols well off when he reads it

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As far as I know the links will be restored and the films will be available again shortly.

There being checked & double checked as we speak.....

The next chapter that features Bob manufacturing his own unique mole traps will now be held up slightly as it might have to undergo the same thorough checks....

There is also another film coming shortly and it really is fantastic but this I imagine will be postponed for the time being due to Geoff and his actions.....


I can't really comment any further but I would like to urge people to give simon, Bob , steve, torchie , Shaun & sooty there full support as without it the likes of Geoff will ruin things for everyone.......

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There are 3 reasons ,...


1/ the traps weren't being checked on a daily basis and no advice was given on the subject.

2/ this was surrounding the use of home made mole traps such as bobs own.

3/ the fella's a self righteous Cnut.......


I am fully aware of the legal standing on points 1 & 2 so I know what comments will follow....

Point 3, well,...... :(

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  On 14/01/2015 at 09:14, heritage said:

There are 3 reasons ,...


1/ the traps weren't being checked on a daily basis and no advice was given on the subject.

2/ this was surrounding the use of home made mole traps such as bobs own.

3/ the fella's a self righteous Cnut.......


I am fully aware of the legal standing on points 1 & 2 so I know what comments will follow....

Point 3, well,...... :(

#1, this is not a legal requirement, nor could it be raised under any animal welfare issue. Even is a mole was 'foul caught' it won't last long at all. A 24 hour check is neither here nor there........

#2 I was always under the assumption that mole traps were not covered under the STAO.....


I bet this jeff fella isn't using any of his money on the legal side of things, he will be in bed with the RSPCA and needs outing as such. IMO.

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He's well know for his links with the rspca as he's open about combining forces with them , there combined aim is to try and implement 24 hr checks on mole traps.....


Bobs next film shows him manufacturing his traps from start to finish and the good news is it's already been done and is due for release soon,

Obviously the current issues may delay things a little......

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  On 13/01/2015 at 21:48, Gin said:

Bob Merrin used to be the net maker in our Countryside marquee, and also gave displays of setting his own made mole traps, to the public.

He was one of the nicest blokes i ever met. If he sold nets, he gave the money to a charity.

It was an honour to know him.


Bob is a nice guy,...he made me a beautiful Hemp Long Net...


I sent him up, a bumper bundle of old vermin traps (girt great box full,..I could hardly lift the fecker :laugh: )..

He does a few charity shows and introduces folk to the trapping game and explains things to the public..You can never get enough of this,..as pro-trappers,..we need everyone on our side..

The legislation affecting the job is getting ever more severe,.we don't need Jeff queering the pitch :censored: .

As humane and responsible men,..we are best off fighting our own battles, making our own personal rules and adhering to our own code of behaviour...


SO,...good luck to anyone who seeks to promote our way of life.. :thumbs:

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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