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brigzy if you av a load of trophys you must av thought them inportant for u to save them lol the pdc money is higher for many reasons sky, pro tounements and lots of them and very good sponsors, the bdo are mainly super league and county players with pros if your lucky i.e adams, at end of day £100.000 is a handsome reward, plus whatever standard you are its always better to see a nice big shinny trophy hahaha saying all that £250.000 would always make you smile greatly.

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over the moon for anderson hes a local lad my dad has chucked darts with him a few times hes on form just now i really hope he can keep it up

Another Great Tournament , Anderson's 3 Darts Falling Out Was A First (Sid Waddell Would Of Had Some Fun Describing That) To Beat Taylor You Have To Play At Your Best & Anderson Deserved His Victo

Better to compete and lose than never know if you can win ....i think its a cracking game any one on one mental battle of nerve like that i find fascinating.

brigzy if you av a load of trophys you must av thought them inportant for u to save them lol the pdc money is higher for many reasons sky, pro tounements and lots of them and very good sponsors, the bdo are mainly super league and county players with pros if your lucky i.e adams, at end of day £100.000 is a handsome reward, plus whatever standard you are its always better to see a nice big shinny trophy hahaha saying all that £250.000 would always make you smile greatly.

Yes, I agree, £100,000 is a tremendous payday, but ask Scotty if he would swap trophies and cheques with Anderson ! We all know the answer to that !


The trophies I have WERE important when I won them, but being mainly pub league trophies, they unfortunately came without any prize money !

I'm not knocking the BDO, I've enjoyed the games on TV and the craic on here, but once again, I'm sure Scotty will enjoy the money, which will allow him to travel to more tournaments, than a trophy he hands back after a year .

Edited by Brigzy
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But Brigzy once money alone is your God your on the slippery slope .

It's what's fooked the world as a whole

Corporate Greed:)

Max, for players to qualify for the big tournaments , like the World Championship, they have to, literally , travel the world. It costs a lot of money in flights, hotels, food, etc, and even winning a tournament abroad can sometimes only cover your costs. Very few BDO players are under contract and get appearance money. Players like Scotty need all the money they can get to chase ranking points, so out of the cash, title and trophy, the trophy will come a distant third.

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Scotty has already said the money will be life changing for him. He will ALLWAYS be a World Champion at his chosen sport, he'll be able to tell his grand kids about it. The trophy will probably be in someone else's hands next year. It's nice to win a trophy, but I bet he'd be just as happy today if there wasn't one. And when did they stop giving a runner up trophy ?

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you know what they say "nobody remembers the runner up, you say trophys aint inportant well a little story for you valentino rossi won a moto gp race at donnington i think 2003 but got demoted for overtaking under a yellow flag well the stewards didnt spot it until after rossi was away to airport but still max biaggi hasnt got the trophy as vale still has it in his house hahahaha prob because he hates him hahaha..

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A trophy/medal/belt is not reward for success in sport.....money/fame/opportunity is reward.......a trophy is a momento of the occasion,something you should be able to look at and remember everything about the day you won it, from the weather to falling asleep at night the trophy is the memory.............but trophies alone will not keep a pro sportsman motivated.....participating in sport for a living pays the bills and raises your standard of living......most successful sportsmen can reach the top on hunger and desire alone.......but money is a big factor in keeping them at the top......anyone who thinks pro sportsmen should dedicate themselves for the love of it are not living in the real world.

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nobody saying money isnt inportant, but not everybody is the same, there is sportsmen who do it for the love of it im sure, we all moan that money is spoiling this sport and that sport and thats true, its only the mind that makes u think of the money your playing for but if u remember why u played it in the first place then better results will happen.

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Tennis players, rugby players fro

Do you think it just a coincidence then that many top sportsmen within the working class sports tend to come from poor areas ?

And educational backgrounds ? Tennis and rugby from Grammar/Boarding schools, University..... Football, darts, snooker from Comprehensive schools. Not exclusively , but usualy.

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