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What's Spoiling Your Xmas

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Condolences to the folk suffering loss at Xmas...........but as for the rest what a miserable bunch of b*****ds !......We should be making the most of the few traditions we are allowed to keep......sw

Hope she had a great morning buddy! Merry Xmas to all!!  

This is my daughters 2nd Xmas she was a too young on the last one but a better age this one, 16 months, so I'm way looking forward to it, she's a wee menace just now, ripping bits of the presents

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Condolences to the folk suffering loss at Xmas...........but as for the rest what a miserable bunch of b*****ds !......We should be making the most of the few traditions we are allowed to keep......swapping gifts/reuniting with family & friends/childrens happy faces.......whats not to enjoy !...........and if you aint got kids or grandkids do what i do and borrow someone elses :D

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This is my daughters 2nd Xmas she was a too young on the last one but a better age this one, 16 months, so I'm way looking forward to it, she's a wee menace just now, ripping bits of the presents :laugh:


There we go thats the spirit................make the most of it and enjoy each other :thumbs:

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Actually looking forward to it this year. Had a bit of a stress coz work decided to pay my commish next year cnuts! I wanted to buy the mrs a return ticket to Mexico for Christmas.


The only thing ruining it is my fuuckin hangover from last night :laugh:

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Second day of it pissing down and the lurches on three legs really skinned her stopper going to take a bit of time to heal even plastic skins no helping her put weight on it and the spaniels limping as well leaving me with just the lab it can only get better

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Actually looking forward to it this year. Had a bit of a stress coz work decided to pay my commish next year cnuts! I wanted to buy the mrs a return ticket to Mexico for Christmas.



Actually looking forward to it this year. Had a bit of a stress coz work decided to pay my commish next year cnuts! I wanted to buy the mrs a return ticket to Mexico for Christmas.


The only thing ruining it is my fuuckin hangover from last night :laugh:


you joking mush....these Europeans would;nt know a a good time if it bit there arseholes..

The only thing ruining it is my fuuckin hangover from last night :laugh:

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This is my daughters 2nd Xmas she was a too young on the last one but a better age this one, 16 months, so I'm way looking forward to it, she's a wee menace just now, ripping bits of the presents :laugh:

and more expensive their presents get when they get older lol
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