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Best Way To Core A Cattle Horn

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I've got hold of a cattle horn which I would like to clean up but unsure of the best way. I have read a few things on the internet about boiling them but some say it makes them too soft, and it has a nice shape at the moment I would like to keep, but I don't know how I would scrape out the very end as it isn't purely straight. It was only taken off yesterday so is still very fresh, and I would like to get it done sooner rather than later.


So, what would you recommend is the best way of getting rid of the core of the horn, and how exactly do I go about it?



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i have done thousands of these and aas said you boil them for a while till you can hit the horn n something hard and the inside will come out in one piece.the horn will not loose its shape and there will be nothing left inside the horn.all you end up with is the horn nothing else.this works 100% or it has done ffor me in the past and s i say i have done thousands

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