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15 Week Old Pup Recall

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Was looking for any tips on training my dog on recall he comes straight back to the whistle when it's just me and him but if there's any other dogs/people around he will run off we them and totally ignore me I know he's young but really want to put a stop to this now,I never had any trouble with my bitch in this way at all,any reply appreciated

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As above it's a pup and the other stuff is more interesting than you. I've one of 17 weeks and on walks I recall every few minutes and give a treat about every other return and make a big fuss, basically coming back to me is fun. But he still runs to play with other dogs etc when the mind takes him, it will settle as he gets a little older. Confident pups take longer but I like a confident pup.

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Feed him only on walks making him work for his grub in other words , get plenty of contact making him push through one hand to get food in the other ,

Dogs are attracted to whatever gets its energy flowing , that's why other mutts are such an attraction to him,

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Cheers,struggling with the house training too,my bitch lived outside so wasn't a problem if she went in the run,he's seems take a step forward then two back I take him down at least every 30/45mins treats when he goes but still not getting it he's not even letting me know in anyway he needs to go sometimes just does it in front of me a looks at me as if to say yeah what's your problem

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As above it's a pup and the other stuff is more interesting than you. I've one of 17 weeks and on walks I recall every few minutes and give a treat about every other return and make a big fuss, basically coming back to me is fun. But he still runs to play with other dogs etc when the mind takes him, it will settle as he gets a little older. Confident pups take longer but I like a confident pup.

true , these twats ive got will piss off if they see something to chase or pick a sent up, one 7 the other 2 , both been trained every week with recall, and they know the score deff . some dogs more so if they killed fair amount of game , can go deaf when there in the hunting mode :yes: I had my young dog chase some fallow 2 fields away :censored: you carnt stop them once they see game , its hard for a dog suppose in one breath , you want him to go 100%, then the next you want him to leave alone, some dogs get very driven in the hunting mode, like this prat ive got . :yes:

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mines a bugger too. fully obedient around the house and exercising. retrieves to hand,sits, stays and walks to heel . out on the lamp its a different story. lap of honour when he catches and dont want to retrieve. he'll come near enough but he needs work and he's 18 months. first time with a collie x for me so i'm learning all over again. guess its finding out what makes the dog tick. something about this dog. i know he's worth the time so i'll stick at it.

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Its up to you to suss out. If your pup just woke up let it out, probably best with a crate, as when you let it out of there just put it straight out, after drinking, after playing, after eating and sometimes after being brought back in from a walk. My pup just turned 4 months never sh*t in the house, did piss a few times but could count on one hand. As they gets older their bladder can hold it longer to.

After doing the above, the pup should start going to a door, and looking at you as if to say let me out. Its up to you to pick up on it. Give praise Good luck.

I even used to stand and watch to make sure he has been, then I got piece of mind

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