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Catching Feather

Guest world.hunters

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Guest world.hunters

Took storm down to coast over the weekend and he chased a few seaguls and crows and other birds on the beach.

i dont just meen running up to em and they f*****g of,


what i meen is he ran at them and they fly off but into the wind and not getting much height and the speed they need he was getting quite close which got me thinking has anyone elses dog ran them and caught them in this fasion or were the birds just taking the piss out of me dog :boxing::feck:




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My collie x has had


duck, pheasant ,woodie, rook and a crow :o

she has had a few rooks when she runs them and they struggle to take off quick enough the same with the crow,

she caught the woodie last week in public nature reserve with 2 other dog walkers looking on gob smacked :icon_redface:

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