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Too Many Birds,...

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Well today was unlike any other day I've had before.....

I went onto a field that was 120 acres of rape, on my approach the feeding birds lifted & I'm not exaggerating when I tell you there were thousands, the sky went black.....

I set up a simple hide and used approx 10 half bodied decoys set in a simple horse shoe pattern.

I saw the birds settle several fields away and sat waiting for them to return which in time they did...

This is where my problems began, rather than coming in 2-3's they came back en masse... Possibly 10-30 birds at a time and things did at times get a little confusing.....

On there return I took 1, sometimes 2 and then waited ages before getting another lot over the pattern.....

Ended the day with 30+ but I'm sure that I could have been much better had there been more people shooting today.....

Potentially keeping the birds on the move.

Hopefully tommorow will see an improvement in both the birds movement & my shooting skills.

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