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High Ranking Peado's In Murder Cover Up ........

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A man has come forward and given Scotland Yard a statement that they believe to be credible involving people in the high echelons of the military government and law of a pedo ring that abused boys and is responsible for the murder of three boys in the 70's ... The police have launched an official investigation and are appealing for witnesses and possible abused boys from that era to come forward .........

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Thing is with UKIP, they can't do any worse than destroy the country, let in millions of immigrants until we're full to the brim, knacker up the NHS, turn the police into a self serving money grabbing

I think its been on the cards for a while, either a few dead polititians judges etc be blamed for it all or there'll be 1 almighty whitewash

Hopefully there will be a spate of unexplained suicides in Westminster before too long.   TC

It's been known about and covered up for years, just look at that b*****d Cyril Smith ! He was covered by the police, politicians and the security services. They couldn't have it coming out when he was alive because of how many he would take down with him. Same with the "inquiry" they were supposed to have, first chairman had to stand down because she was the sister of one of the main men involved in the cover up, the second chairman had to stand down as she was a freind and neighbour of one of the suspects. The only way they will have an inquiry is with one of their own running it. What chance the truth ? Very little.

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I don't get how they manage to get a ring? They must know even if they don't think it, in society they are lower than animals. How the hell so you start up a convo about it? Also why does it seem to be they are in high power positions? They'll probably throw the public a few more celebs to distract us before ever getting to those at the top involved. Hang the fuckers or give em to parents of victims and let them suffer.

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