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Need A Piece Of Leather

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  On 17/12/2014 at 18:56, bullmastiff said:

Anyone got any idea'so where I could source a piece of leather or thick webbing to try and make a knife sheath?

Off boar hunting on the 3rd of Jan and don't want to buy a large knife especially for it so want to take a kitchen/boning knife with me.

try leprevo they sell all kinds of leather if you want to dye it your self you want veg tan or you can buy dye through veg tan and a edge bevler and pricking irons sadlers needles and thread and a hawl :thumbs:

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now, I'm not suggesting you turn to a life of crime, but my missus does leather repair to motorcycle clothing, if she gets something in that needs a small repair and its a non popular colour that she don't keep in stock, rather than buying a whole hide, we take a trip to land of leather or similar, walk around looking at settee's, they have swatches I think they are called laying everywhere, different colours of leather, funny but a few find there way into our pockets, big enough to make a knife sheath from too

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All sorted! Managed to find a old chisel set holder. Hacked it in half, then stitched it with some wax cotton cord and then ran some strong glue down all the seams, jobs a good'un!

Bit rough and ready but will stop me slicing my leg open for a week.

Thanks again for the suggestions.







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