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Turned Out Nice....

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It has been real busy the last few months... We took the mole trapping contract on a large sporting estate,..it has paid extremely well and kept the wolf from the door. The downside, is that most of

A few night ago the wind was blowing hard and we took the dogs for a spin up the road here for a few rabbits. Now these rabbits were well out on small arable fields. Most fields were on hillsides. Yo

This is Banjo,..litter brother to Sirius's youngster ....   They are bred, lurcher to lurcher,..mostly Collie/Whippet and Greyhound blood...    

It has been a busy last few months...

We took the mole trapping contract on a large sporting estate,..it has paid extremely well and kept the wolf from the door.

The downside, is that most of the pastures and grass fields are part and parcel of a commercial pheasant shooting enterprise...The area is also lifting with roe and muntjac deer... :blink:

So,..ruling is,.no dogs on, until the shooting is done and dusted.


With that in mind, I decided on a day off and to have a mouching trip into the next county.

After a short journey,..I arrived at Reloads rabbiting ground, and armed with a brace of ferrets and a stop net,..we were soon into one or two rabbits...


My main reason for my visit, was to see how Ianto, the dog pup off our Dusty had turned out.


The dog was a credit to its owner,..lean and mean,...just like my old style cur dogs...


Plenty of sense, a good hunter and a great mouth, with a cobra-like strike....


Full marks to Reload, for getting the youngster into such splendid physical condition.. :clapper:


I often look back on the litters of lurchers that I have bred over the years,...some have been definite success stories and other efforts,... not quite so worthwhile..

It is always a gamble with crossbred curs,..things can go either way and frequently do :laugh:


An even bigger gamble, is in finding, good permanent, knowledgeable homes for pups...


For me, this is the most important criteria....


I know too well,...that the type of mouching, ferreting, marking up, style of mutt that I try to create, is never going to make a world beater,. and any future owner has to be fully aware of this fact...


So,..it is comforting,.... when things turn out nice... :victory:


My thanks to Reload for his generous offer of a walk out,...much appreciated mate...


All the best, Phil.













a nice type that is phil and superb condition as well

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Thanks for posting up the snaps Phil, I enjoyed the wonder about. Nice easy going day.


Really happy the youngster caught a few more, not much seems to get away from him so far.


He's fit and in good nick but as many dogmen know its hard to keep that balance right.

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