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They Are Now Slaughtering School Children ......

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After 6 million were murdered you want to make them live in wales...heartless b*****d

And that's why I am still alive ... BUT no matter if they were day one terrorists or terrorists into their 70's walking into a school and murdering unarmed innocent children is an act of cowardice sim

126 people killed by the Taliban in a Pakistani school and at least 84 of those are innocent children who's only crime was to be the son or daughter of a military person. Shows exactly the depth of co

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There in a nutshell is the problem that no western military action will have an internationally, morally, ethically acceptable way of dealing with.

These men no doubt have families, wives....children of their own.......they have the power to love.

They are probably not insane monsters although it makes it easier for us to think of them as such........they are somehow not as frightening if you think of them that way .


The strength of will......of conviction to coldly go and do something like that......as a group of fighters (not some single nutter)........a group.

IMHO not cowards, far from it.......savage, cold, remorseless and the stronger as a force for those traits.


What does the west do in reply to that that even comes close to measuring up?...........what could we possibly do that would frighten or deter men with the cold, savage strength to do this?


Short of wiping out the population in its entirety there is no way to deal with that.

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Wilf, I think you are absolutely bang on with that matey. I think there is a lot of simplification going on with this enemy by many here, and the more pissed off we get the more the enemy seems to get simplified. Strikes me as a very American attitude quite frankly, the British are smarter than that! Like you, I don't believe these fuckers are cowards or insane or anything other than savages that have a warped ideology and the ability to rationalise any action to that end. It makes them driven and unpredictable, having such a f****d up moral compass in comparison to our own.


But I don't think that should scare us, we have some pretty horrible fuckers of our own, and our horrible fuckers have a huge technological and training advantage.... If they were allowed to engage this enemy with no uncertain terms or restrictions I'm pretty sure you'd see fear in the Islamist fuckers hearts then.


Allow Brigade strength forces to hunt them and kill them, no arrests, no detention... kill them in battle, kill them in their beds, kill them while waving flags of surrender. Once upon a time the British knew very well how to deal with savagery.

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BH mate, like with our police so with our army.......there are a massive set if do gooders back home waiting to hang them out to dry.

Only this morning it's all over the news that a group of Iraqi fighters may have got roughed up a bit by British forces in the midst of a firefight......and the question is, are there any that can be arrested and locked up !!!


For f**k sake, we are sending these people into the most extreme situations........that c**t Blair started it with that paratrooper who shot the person at the checkpoint years back.


We are sending these lads with one arm tied behind their back.


If the objective is capture then once they are captured look after them until they are dealt with, if the objective is to wipe them out well then wipe them out man, woman and child without mercy........just don't keep moving the goal posts on our security forces.


f***ing politicians.......the soldiers worst enemy from what I can see of it !!

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Fukcing piss poor pathetic country .......

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Said it before and I'll say it again, the biggest threat to this country is not terrorists muslim or any other, it's the cancer within, the spineless yellow creatures who send our troops to war zones whilst they themselves sit in a safe environment, then hang them out to dry to appease the liberal handwringers.

I'd love to drop these Geneva convention quoting cnuts into a war zone.

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Bloke who went to serve for his country is inside doing time as if his a scumbag. Meanwhile likes of tony Blair have a multi million pound property portfolio. No wonder every time I've see the army trying to recruit in the streets and stuff noone approaches them.


Us shooting a few people here or there isn't going to do shit IMO. Got to either find another solution or wipe them all out properly but we know that's never going to happen. Trouble is when they say they want sharia to dominate the whole world how do you reason with that? Also think there is an agenda that were all possibly missing aswell. I just can't see how those in power are so blind to the trouble and the possible trouble coming in the future.

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I really don't believe the only two military options are Afghan style PC conflicts or wholesale bloody genocide. LOL


There's is a much more sensible option, go to war with the very clear intention of killing every single enemy combatant! Every one of them! And keep killing them until the threat diminishes to nothing. By all means implement regime changes and long term fixes to stabilise a country IF it is deemed to be possibly effective. But that should not replace the old fashioned attitude of killing all the combatants before they kill us until such a time there will has been destroyed or they have all been killed.


Our special forces approach problems with that attitude and have proven it effective. Let the Paras go to battle with that same freedom and we'll see how much of a force these ISiL really are.

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