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Anyone Else Working Malinois X Greyhounds Or Similar

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These 2 are first cross with a greyhound sire and Malinois dam. They are litter mates a dog and a bitch. Any one working similar cross's.

They're are doing very well and produced a fairly even litter. Hardy, fearless, clever, but a bit hard to keep occupied. Good with the gun, live stock, not seen ferrets yet, bark/bite on command, fol

These three came from a bitch that was very driven. I was told she failed her police test on the "leave command". However she was not a maniac that would bite anything that moved. The pups have a very

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  On 15/12/2014 at 07:11, dan john said:

Look nice what are they like to work and keep have you done much with them

The bitch has done much more than the dog she has taken all quarry. I've only had the dog a short time I got him as I think a lot of the bitch. He came from a gentleman who had suffered I'll health.

The bitch is 24/25 inches the dog is 27 inches. I also have another brother that is 29 inches. But he is to big for me to be honest. They are 18 month just.

The dogs are taking a lot longer to mature.

There mother was a working bitch very powerful the greyhound was a 28inch strong dog.

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And the collies

  On 15/12/2014 at 14:48, Maximus Ferret said:

Cheers gvc. Hope they all do well. You're not going to have much spare time in winter for a few years between them and the wheaton crosses.

And the collie's . Luckily I have there ages staggered so there all at different levels. And I share working them with a friend. Work hard in the summer play hard in the winter. Ha ha.

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  On 15/12/2014 at 17:37, jukel123 said:

How would you describe their temperaments? Are they driven/hyper as you would expect from the Malinois blood?

These three came from a bitch that was very driven. I was told she failed her police test on the "leave command". However she was not a maniac that would bite anything that moved. The pups have a very high prey drive they run with conviction to say the least. But they thrive on praise and will do anything for it. They are also sensitive to being told off. All stock broke easily to all stock, and broke to ferrets ,they are all good with other dogs. They enjoy retrieving and jump well. They are strong robust animals that can catch the fastest of our quarry. They are young dogs with it all in front of them but at the minute i do not regret trying the cross in the siltiest.
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