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a go at the squirrels

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A change from the moles today, a go at the squirrels. I will be using home made cage traps as i have all my mk4s and tunnels out on other jobs, rats mostly. before i sited the traps i had a mooch with the air rifle just to have a look and get a feel for where they were most active within the 40acre cherry orchid. It was worth taking the air rifle just in case a target showed itself. It did, twice.



The good thing with traps is they are working 24/7 and seeing as i will be back and forth each day i will again take the air rifle with me, just in case. Like i said the traps are home made, the ones i made for mink some months back. Theres no way there getting out of those me thinks





Baited with corn on the cob and a sprinkling of boiled maze at the mouth of the trap its just a matter of waiting now.


fingers crossed we wont be waiting to long as the damage to the trees is quiet bad and seeing as this is a commesial venture they want rid of them asap.

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have you thought about using snares, on a beam between two trees, peg and gun showed me this method.


i havent used it yet , but am about to on a new contract thats just come in.


i have to say when peg showed me on film it was deadly. and cos its just snares its cheap

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any chance you can pm me some more pics of them traps wouldnt mind having ago at making one



if you look back in the pest control section i think you will see all the details in a thread i put up about mink traps.


LL i dont bother with covering the floor as they enter freely as it is, its all about compertition for food and when theres as many as there is in this orchid their bellys over rule their brains.


TOMO, i havnt seen a vid on this but i have seen in done in the past when i was a kid, like you said, it works very well

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any chance you can pm me some more pics of them traps wouldnt mind having ago at making one



if you look back in the pest control section i think you will see all the details in a thread i put up about mink traps.


LL i dont bother with covering the floor as they enter freely as it is, its all about compertition for food and when theres as many as there is in this orchid their bellys over rule their brains.


TOMO, i havnt seen a vid on this but i have seen in done in the past when i was a kid, like you said, it works very well




the pics dont come up mate anychance you can put them back up please?

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out again today to check the squirrel traps and again i took the air rifle. as i was milling around the orchid i saw two squirrels squabaling with each other. i crept into range and droped one of the protaganists, the other taking to the trees.

Now this is where things got a little inventive so to speak. The pair were arguing over teritory most possibly so i used this to my advantage. I have seen their body posturing many times before so i arranged the dead squirrel as best i could to replicate this, upright with tail held aloft and close to the back.

I then moved to a comfortable range and waited. not long, abot 10mins and i could hear the squirrel up in the trees chattering his anoyance at the other squirrel on his turf. I then sucked air in between ny teeth and lips in an attempt to replicate a challange, a challange he accsepted. there he came all a bristling with his tail swishing a warning to the other. someone should have warned him about me sitting there as no sooner had i pulled the trigger then no2 was acounted for




sometimes it just pays to be a little inventive i suppose :thumbs:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

That is cool, MC! Now; I don't have any top teeth, so I find it hard to make many sounds like that. But I'll bet Someone could come up with a blowable call to replicate that sound.


And squirrels are amongst the easiest things to roughly stuff and set up as decoys. They're so tough and tubular, anyone could stuff a sock full of wood shavings and few wires in one and soon fashion something that'd do the job.


Food for thought?

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