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Muslims Protest In London

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That's because ISIS are SUNNI muslims, who hate the SHIA muslims and want to eradicate them. Those Shia's marching in London couldn't care less about terrorism when its aimed at Christians or Kurds, o

I can't remember any muslims, Sunni or Shia, marching or protesting in London at the murder of Lee Rigby, or the London bombings, or ever marching against terrorism in any form. I DO remember them pro

Just seen a protest march Muslims against Isis , on the Edware rd which has a large Muslim community and they're caring banners saying Shia against terrorism and down with Isis . It's the first one I

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I'm far from a Muslim sympathiser, but I think the continual kicking that desertbred gets on here is getting a bit repetitive and boring.


On the subject of terrorism, I'm amazed at the short memories of many members. The terrorist organisation responsible for most attacks on the British mainland, as well as the the most British fatalities, is now part of government. Don't forget that this organisation received the majority of its funding from the USA, supposedly our biggest ally. I don't remember any 'peace marches' on the part of the general Irish population...

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UKIP mouthpeice they just steal like the isrealis in Palastine stealing land in gaza and west bank muppet go back to the internet see what else you can dredge up , The Christians Sikhs, Hindus, Bhuddists just get tear gassed rolled over by tanks beaten kettled and generally supressed by their non elected Goverments even the UK has one of them

Edited by desertbred
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Unlacedgecko I certainly have never received a kicking verbal or otherwise from the lame brains on here. Who usually support each other in their bigoted views they feel safety in numbers rather than facts.They will ignore your posts as they will have no genuine response or they will blame immigrants LOL

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rectifying typos as I have limited keyboard skills

you gave me a one line answer in one reply , now its 4 lines long with all kinds of extras added and thats just one , to the new reader it looks good 4 you i suppose , just like the muslim practice it cant be trusted,,,,,, you whelk

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Who mentioned racist or colour max I didn't it amazes me when people qualify themselves with "I am no racist " Do you ask anti royalists to pledge allegiance to the Queen or to f**k off? I will not as a Muslim place anyone or anything before my own Islamic faith maybe my Islamic values mean more to mwe then British Christian values I hear about I don't subscribe to the when in rome principle I believe in personal and freedom of choice based on my own beliefs and what I consider to be moral

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="3809754" timestamp="1418498010"]

can you name any religion that has closer links to terrorism than the muslim faith anywhere in the world today ?



I wouldn't say terrorism, but wars, genocide and oppression, certainly.


thats because you are blind if it aint showed in the news ...

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