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Bushing From Both Ends


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Our pair of terriers are coming along well. I was out last week haivng a walk along, the dogs began to witter, I could see the odd glimpse of a rabbit moving along the hedge bottom.

Then as we got further I lost control of one of them who pushed half a dozen rabbits out 100 yrds ahead in a burst.

She was only 11 months old so it is forgiven :thumbs:


Watching them pushed along, do people enter a hedge from both ends and work towards each other?

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Our pair of terriers are coming along well. I was out last week haivng a walk along, the dogs began to witter, I could see the odd glimpse of a rabbit moving along the hedge bottom.

Then as we got further I lost control of one of them who pushed half a dozen rabbits out 100 yrds ahead in a burst.

She was only 11 months old so it is forgiven :thumbs:


Watching them pushed along, do people enter a hedge from both ends and work towards each other?

Better to start them at one end and put a blocker in place,be that a gun,web or lurcher.
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Nice too hear their coming along tozer, i wish i could say the same about mine but a few times of late when i have had her out she seems to be alot less keen than usual but she is still quite a young dog so hopefully its just a glitch..... This might sound a stupid question but does anyone think a terrier can lose heart if it has not had a catch in a while. atb daywalker.

Edited by day and night walker
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Nice too hear their coming along tozer, i wish i could say the same about mine but a few times of late when i have had her out she seems to be alot less keen than usual but she is still quite a young dog so hopefully its just a glitch..... This might sound a stupid question but does anyone think a terrier can lose heart if it has not had a catch in a while. atb daywalker.

I'd of thought make them more keen if anything, if myn hasn't caught fir a while he looks that but more determined

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Nice too hear their coming along tozer, i wish i could say the same about mine but a few times of late when i have had her out she seems to be alot less keen than usual but she is still quite a young dog so hopefully its just a glitch..... This might sound a stupid question but does anyone think a terrier can lose heart if it has not had a catch in a while. atb daywalker.

I'd of thought make them more keen if anything, if myn hasn't caught fir a while he looks that but more determined


Normally i have more trouble getting her to stop but a few times lately she has put one out of cover and not bothered to follow it, i know they usually go to ground but most of the time she'll be on it till it does.

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If it's a pup and having no joy with a catch I would be looking to get an easy one or supply the opportunity to have a catch with some runners, as I personally think it does help a pup especially to stay focused and keen, if like where I work they are hard to catch in cover atb

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Nice too hear their coming along tozer, i wish i could say the same about mine but a few times of late when i have had her out she seems to be alot less keen than usual but she is still quite a young dog so hopefully its just a glitch..... This might sound a stupid question but does anyone think a terrier can lose heart if it has not had a catch in a while. atb daywalker.

Terriers are hard driven,bushing and ratching about will never test their resolve enough to make them "lose heart".Its a difficult one to answer,if i was to see bunny,s entering cover in front of me and the terrier showing no interest id be worried,if there is little scent about many a terrier will act accordingly.I have a young Lakey here that was mustard for the job until she started working fox below,then her interest in bunny,s etc.,waned,now she as little interest in anything else.Id get it to ground better stocked to suit its interest,if the dog fails to get into the groove its then up to the owner whats best.
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I took her somewhere different today as opposed to the usual place i take her and she didn't stop hunting up once in fact i had to drag her away when the light started fading. I must start taking her out at first light as theirs bound to be more about at that time...... She has caught in cover about half a dozen so far but not for a while. also she is 15 months old so i suppose she is still fairly young and this will be her first season. atb daywalker.

Edited by day and night walker
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I took her somewhere different today as opposed to the usual place i take her and she didn't stop hunting up once in fact i had to drag her away when the light started fading. I must start taking her out at first light as theirs bound to be more about at that time...... She has caught in cover about half a dozen so far but not for a while. also she is 15 months old so i suppose she is still fairly young and this will be her first season. atb daywalker.


Has your bitch had her first season yet mate? My bitch follows a pattern of slowing right down on the work a few weeks before coming into season, then goes mental hitting the cover hard about a week before actually breaking down, walk her with a dog and see if the dog takes an unusual interest in her piss, even though there's no sign of her coming in season, if it does odds are she's having a hormone change.

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