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Councillor Tommy Woodward

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Horrible comments. See BASC and the CA have now issued statements - http://basc.org.uk/blog/press-releases/latest-news/basc-calls-for-resignation-of-north-yorkshire-councillor-over-suicide-comments/


Anybody who is offended by it, which I would think is most folk on here, can complain to the council : http://www.ryedaleforms.co.uk/comments-compliments-complaints/ or raise it with them on Facebook. https://www.(!64.56:886/RyedaleDC


Complain to his party (the Liberal party) : https://www.(!64.56:886/LiberalPartyUK


Raise it with the press, stick it on social media and other shooting forums.

Edited by tomov
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The email i just wrote to the council, a similar one i am about to send the the minister for local government.

Dear Sir/Maddam.

I would like to lodge a formal complaint about comments made by an elected official of your borough, Councillor Tommy Williams Libdem about the untimely and i hope YOU will agree with me tragic news of the death of Allan Ellis of Bacup, Lancashire.

The comments that he made on facebook, and consequently his defence upon radio has prompted me to write this complaint, something I have never done in my life I may add!!!

Suicide is in my opinion one of the harshest of subjects to broach for a lot of people and carries a various range of feelings from hurt to anger to everything you can imagine. I myself having had friends commit suicide you have dealt with a grief you will never understand and questions you will never have answered.

I have written this letter over the fact that an elected official, of your borough can REJOICE in the death of someone in this way makes my blood boil.

there are charities throughout this country campaigning for suicide prevention and awareness and i see this as a slap in the face for the many working round the clock in some instances to bring this to the forefront of peoples minds making them aware of the dangers of brushing depression and despair under the carpet.

The rural communities suffer the most with this, I myself coming from irish heritage and a very rural one at that, have lived through this unfortunately a number of times, Ireland and its rural setting having a much higher than average suicide rate of 18-25 yr old males. This effects People in agricultural and rural communities with no help or support and opting for a way out leaving families torn apart by something that a times can be changed with a phone call or a converstion, or just a shoulder for a chat..

I find this ELECTED officials behaviour unacceptable and I would like to have some sort of answer from the councillor in question in writing, an open letter if he wishes to the many families around England great Britain and the world how happy he is that people with obvious depression problems are dead.

Merry Christmas

Adrian Kenny


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